Chapter three.

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I wake up and look over, Harry. I turn on my side, carefully and move his curls behind his ear.

"Mhm, that feels good." He mutters and pulls me closer.

I just smile and snuggle closer to him.

"I didn't say stop." He pouts and I let out a small giggle.

I begin playing with his hair again and he smiles in his sleep. I stop after a few minutes and slowly get out of the bed. I look at my phone and I have 3 texts. From, Cindy, My Dad, And.... Unknown?

I check Cindy's first.

*Hey OMG You and Harry?? Did you guys shag??!!? Fucking tell me you whore! Jk about the whore part but seriously tell me bitch. Love ya!* I roll my eyes at how stupid she is.

I then check my dad's text.

*I wont be home for a little while honey, I have a business trip for 2 weeks. I love you baby. I left my credit card for you. Remember I love you and no BOYS, Mcall.*

Yeah no boys and I just had sex with Harry. Wait, I had sex with Harry! The hottest guy in school!! I smirk and check the unknown message.

*You better stay away from Harry. He's mine bitch. And I hope you enjoyed hurting me. I enjoyed making you pissed. And I hope you know Harry slept with me, twice. How many times has he slept with you? No. He hasn't.* My anger boils.

*Actually, Harry fucked me last night. Considering it turned him on for me to beat the shit out of you. It doesn't matter if he fucked you or not. He's my boyfriend, NOT yours. So FUCK OFF!* I sent the text back, then I saved her number as, Fat Whore.

"Baby?" Harry's muffled voice rings through the room. I put down my phone after sending Cindy a TTYL text.

"I'm right here." I lay next to him.

"Come here, You seem tense." He snuggles me.

"I am. You member the girl I kinda beat up last night?" I say as he nuzzles his head in my neck and nods.

"She texted me. I don't even know how she got my fucking number!" I sigh in frustration.

"What did she say?" Harry shoots up.

I got up and tossed him my phone, Turning on the light. I put on new White lase Undergarments.

"That's, Bullshit! I only fuc- Slept with her once. And we were both pissed drunk." He caught himself.

"It's ok. I know you've been with other girls and it doesn't bother me." I lie.

"Baby I know it bothers you. And know, I hope you know, It's only you." He pulls on his boxers.

I bite my lip and watch him run his fingers through his hair. He notices me staring and smirks.

"Like what ya see babe?" He asks.

"Mhm, Maybe." I turn and look through my closet.

"Well, you need to go home, we have school today." I turn around and smile at him.

"I can just wear this. But, I am going to take a shower!" He yells running out my door, taking his clothes with him.

"Harry Styles I need to take one too! Don't use all the hot water!" I yell and I hear the bathroom door close.

I roll my eyes and take out my white and blue striped shirt and my high, waisted red shorts. I wait outside the bathroom door and it opens. My eyes widen as I see Harry with wet hair and a towel hanging dangerously low on his waist.

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