Twenty Eight

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It feels like this chapter took forever for me to belt out and it's nowhere near as long. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and your thoughts are always welcomed. Please vote, follow and comment if you liked it! It's hard to believe that this is more than halfway finished! 

The harsh morning light streams through the curtains, banging a daring rhythm against my pounding head. I groan and lift the pillow from under my head, trying to block out the light. How much did I drink last night? It takes me a moment to realize where I am. And when I do it all comes flooding back, like a battering ram jamming me hard in the chest. Evan, that girl, the fight.

Hot, prickly shame takes me over and I groan as I push my hands into my face, causing spots to dance in my vision. Every time I think of Evans face, the words he said and how he just walked away from me, the hurt just threatens to engulf me in one deadly wave. I sit up, wincing as the room spins and my heads throbs dangerously, threatening to give my stomach a swift kick.

The early morning light is too harsh, too bright and as I sit up and my surroundings bleed into being, I realize just how much the rest of me aches. The cool, soft surface underneath me is definitely not Evans bed, actually it's not a bed at all, it's too firm to be a bed. Blinking, I notice that I am in the living room with a thick throw slung carelessly over my shoulders.

“You're up, then?”

I jump and whip my head around towards the direction of the armchair where Tiffany is sat crossed legged with Mr Fluffs purring loudly in her lap. Flushing, I bring the cover up over my shoulders and bury my face in my knees, wincing as the soft material brushes against my sore face.

“I'm up,” I say hoarsely, massinging my pounding skull. “what time is it?”

“A little past twelve. Evan is still in bed.” she says, answering the question that I didn't ask.

My stomach churns and I bow my head. “Right.” I say, remembering Evans angry, devastated face.

“He isn't talking to me either if it's any consolation.” Tiffany says, running her fingers through the purring ginger toms fur.

“Yeah. It kinda isn't.” I say, shrugging helplessly.

Tiffany sighs loudly. “Go see him,”

Biting down on my lip, I shake my head. “He doesn't want to talk to me. What can I do?”

Tiffany shakes her head. “I don't know but you can't leave things as they are. You're going to be in a car with each other for four hours. Something needs to happen.”

“Fine,” I kick the blanket off and fold it neatly, frowning down at the unfamiliar joggers and t-shirt that I am wearing.

“I had to borrow some of Chad clothes for you. You were soaked through.”

I flush as the memory of dragging someone into the swimming pool surfaces and hide my face in my hands, twisting my wild hair through my fingers. “I am such an idiot.”

“Nah you're not. Chad told me what happened. What she was saying. None of it is true by the way, she had a crush on Evan in school, and clearly never got over it.”

I frown. Right.

“Just go talk to him. You can't leave things as they are.”

“Tiffany? I don't think I'm going to go for that job.”

She frowns again, her eyebrows puckering to meet in the middle. “Why not?”

“I don't want to leave Evan.”

Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)Where stories live. Discover now