The Caged Bird Doesn't Sing Anymore

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Prompt: Write from the point of view of a birdcage whose occupant recently died.

~The Caged Bird Doesn’t Sing Anymore~

          Where my feathered friend once perched, there is nothing but the memories of his last agonized squall. He was murdered, brutally torn to pieces, by a filthy beast, a slit-eyed underling of the devil. My only companion, now forever gone, leaves me without purpose.

          That monster of a cat had been eying my beloved bird from the moment we came home from the shop together. It was a sly, evil thing, with bright yellow orbs that peered out from behind the curtains, always in shadow. Watching and waiting, it schemed and plotted how it would get my bird between its gritty claws.

But, faithful as I was, I sheltered my bird from harm with my golden bars day in and day out. Every once in a while the humans would take my bird out and let him flap his wings, let him roam free. Although I knew it was necessary, I loathed the time, for how could I guard him from the cat while he was free?

One day, the littlest human, who could barely reach my latch, came stumbling over and let my bird out. He ruffled his feathers and hopped along the table for a short bit, getting the feel for being out of my embrace. Then, the mother called the boy’s name and he ran off ignorantly without a second thought. The cat immediately crept in, with a gleam in its dastardly eyes that screamed of triumph. My bird was oblivious to the approaching threat.

In a flurry of motion the cat pounced, and I could do nothing but watch in horror as my beautiful bird was snatched away from me. He screeched and squealed, trying to squirm his way out of the cat’s claws, but they were clamped around him with an iron grip. Guilt and disgust burned like acid rain in me as it began ripping him apart, plucking out each feather as if wallowing in sadistic victory. If I could have, I would have wept.

All I have ever known is to protect my bird, and I have failed. With my dear friend dead, I am rendered useless, and I am utterly alone.

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