The Dream.

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At home* Moms pov. Time to go to sleep dear* she turns off the lights. Sighs I can't believe he ACTUALLY KISSED ME like WHO KNEW well better get some sleep sleeps* in dream: falls from cliff AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH falls on stuffed marshmallows what....? Marshmallows. AWSOOOOME eats* OMG HOT WINGS
eats it* EEEEEEE EEEEE CANDYYYY eats everything* see's a wedding whose wedding is this? Walks slowly peeks while still eatind candy. and see's Hunter in tux ah! My lovely wife! Wife...? OMG WHY AM I IN A WEDDING DRESS O.O?  And we have beautiful children! KIDS WE HAVE KIDS AHHHHHHH wakes up screaming* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my mom walks in* HONEY ARE U OK? ..yeah mom just a bad dream.. That's all* in mind POV. What the world I can't believe that ALL happens CX but the wedding part.. NOT SO MUCH O.O well honey I'm going back to bed. .. Ok goes back to sleep.

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