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Mr. Edwards and I left talking while navigating the streets of Mumbai. The more we talked the more human I realized he was, instead of some creature of authority and command. He had told me of his home, he grew up middle class in a suburb of London leaving his home in his late teens to be a cabin boy for The Lady and worked his way up from there. He told me of his family, dreams, and fiancé. I told him of mine, my dream to settle down with Rose in the country side.
Eventually I built up the courage to ask what the cargo was.
"Opiates" he said "they are manufactured here in India then we bring them to distributors in China for a large profit."
"Sir, aren't opiates addictive and harmful?" i asked
"Of course, the addictive part is why we make such a pretty penny."
"But thats not right sir"
"I understand its not, Smith"
"Then why are we delivering opiates sir?"
"Because thats how we get paid. Come, lets take our mind off it. Hows a tattoo of The Lady sound?"
It didn't sound like a terrible idea, I still had pride in being a crew member of The Lady. I consented and we found a tattoo shop nearby.
We asked the artist if he could do a ship, which to my fascination he understood. He beckoned me to a chair where i sat and pulled up my left sleeve. The needle felt like a thousand bees sting at once when paired with my cheek which was still hurt from Mr. Edwards strike. Eventually it was done and Mr. Edwards turn, he got the same thing in the same place, a ship which looked vaguely similar to The Lady, surfing on a wave with a scroll under it all saying "E.I.Co. The Lady Iris".
It was a fine tattoo which left my arm quite sore.

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