Chapter 1

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"Tara, are we there yet?" I groan, looking at my older sister. 

She taps a long polished finger nail on the steering wheel. 

"Almost baby sis. You'll love the town! It's small so everyone knows everyone. But there's a small cafe I know you'll love. The bakery's hiring too. It's going to be perfect for you." 

I groan again.

I was forced to move out of the apartment I've lived in my entire life when my dad was relocated to Korea for work. Our mom died giving birth to me so I never really knew her. Tara was sad, but she got to name me. She would've made my first name Eden, but that'd be too much. Instead she named me, Kendall Eden Smith, naming me after my mom. When I asked her why, she simply answered 'I see mom in you and I know she's in a peaceful place'.  

No I'm going to be living with her and her boyfriend, Chance. She's five years older than me, making her 22 and me 17. She started college early so she's already graduated and working. In the little town of Silverstone, she's a newspaper journalist. Chance is the gym teacher at the high school I'll be going to.

"We're here, Kendall." Tara says.

I stretch and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I get out and help Tara unload my luggage. The movers had brought all my furniture a week before. We'll be living in Chance's house. I've met him a couple times and know he's not a bad guy. Ironically, he loves to eat fatty foods.  

He comes out and greets me, a nice warm welcome. Then, I finally notice the ring on my sister's finger. She shrugs it off as if it's nothing, but I can see the excitement in her eyes. I congratulate them and warn Chance not hurt my sister. He laughs lightly until he drops the box containing my training weapons. Did I forget to mention I'm a werewolf hunter? Oops. Well, to be clear, my whole family is. Tara just likes to not mention it. She didn't hide it from Chance though, she told him straight that she was a hunter. Thing is she works behind the scenes.  

"Those pistols aren't just for werewolves." I warn. 

Chance looks nervously at Tara. She just laughs. 

"I'm not gunna lie, babe. She's pointed that revolver at many of my ex-boyfriends. And at the age of 10 too."  

"Well, I'll be sure to stay on my territory." 

I give him a smirk.

Once I'm all settled, I just hang around my room. Tara and I have the same taste so my room is perfect. Teal and mint green, my favorite colors. She decorated it to have a seaside theme, matching the seaside town. My furniture has always been white to they blend perfectly with the colors.  

"Kendall, come say hello to the neighbors!" Tara calls. 

I groan, but go downstairs anyways. 

"Hello, I'm Kendall." I say, pausing in my tracks when I see a pale, scrawny guy at the door. Werewolf. I can feel the strength radiating off of him. He's strong, but still considered weak among them. But there's something else. Something that attracts me to him. 

"Hello? Earth to Kendall." Tara says, waving her hands in my face. 

"Sorry. What?" 

"The name's Dallas Blue. Nice to meet you." he says. 

I bite my lip so I won't laugh at how that rhymed. 

"By the way, I am a werewolf." he says, leaning to my ear. "Hello...mate." 

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