Chapter 3 - The Call

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Somehow Jay and I managed to clear the blood and he apparently told his mum that the carvings in the wall were from a raccoon that had broken in. He was always good at making lies seem more real than the truth, but to be honest, telling Jay's mother that I had lost control on a full moon and clawed up her bathroom myself wasn't exactly going to be a believable tale.

The rest of that evening was, however, amazing. Amazing doesn't quite suffice, magical is too happy and good wasn't enough either. That night I somehow forgot that I'd just gone through an insurmountable lot of pain and fear, I'd forgotten I was a runaway, I'd forgotten that I'd been a beasts chew toy in the woods, I'd forgotten it. Jay held me in his arms on the sofa with a hot cup of tea, my fingertips sensed every bump and crack on the ceramic handle. His hoodie that I was wearing (my top had ripped in my bathroom episode) engulfed me, whilst his arms secured me and calmed me. I'd gaze into his apple green eyes, no longer seeing the red reflection of mine, and my heart would melt. His leather palmed hands brushed the streaks of hair from my face as he gently kissed my forehead.

I had to leave at nine, so his parents wouldn't find me cowering in his lap. I'd already booked myself a hotel room a few towns away, I snuck back home for my keys and truck; knowing everyone would be asleep or just arousing with a blinding hangover. I didn't take it in the night as I would've woken everyone, however by the early winter morning they should have all been deep asleep. I edged the ignition into a roaring start, for such an old truck, she'd never let me down. My foot gently pressed the acceleration down and I rumbled out of the drive and down the windy roads of the countryside. As I was driving I could see everything, things I wouldn't normally notice. The partially rusted screw lying in the hardening mud, a bee rolling in petals, I heard the snaps of twigs as birds built their nests. I suddenly felt a pounding in my head, behind my eyes. I slammed the breaks on, causing a deafening, screeching skid along the road. My ears rung as my eyes whirled, I felt like the world was tipping upside down and I smacked my head against the window; praying for it to stop. I kept telling myself focus, focus on something, something real. The screw? No that was too small, the birds? No, too fast. The sound of the engine? Yes, the pattern of the low growl it made brought me out of the panic. My throat stopped tightening and my hands loosened their grip on the wheel.

Once I had recovered I made my way back on the road, I just needed to get to the hotel and it would be okay. My heart was still racing and my eyes darted from the road to the trees, I was terrified, confused and unaware of what was happening. Out of nowhere I heard a vibration and a sped up xylophone tone, my phone was ringing, but it was louder and more intense. It made me sweat as the sound washed me out in waves, I fumbled through my bag looking for the device. My hand stumbled across a cold, silver brick. I slid the green button across and put the phone to my ear. It was Jay.
"Hey, sorry I know you're probably driving, just wanted you to know that I've been looking all over the web for whatever the hell is happening to you. And seeing as what happened seemed pretty impossible, I wasn't too quick to rule out any candidates. But one thing did keep coming up." It was a hushed tone, his parents were back, clearly not knowing what he was doing and he didn't want them to know.
"What was this thing? Does it have any treatments?" I winced.
" not really-"
"Great, perfect, so I just have to live in this agony for the rest of time?" I snapped, cutting him off.
"Well no. Not that either. There's no cure as such. More of a containment." Jay ushered.
"Diagnose me then doctor, preferably tell me this containment plan as well." I retorted.
"Well, have you heard of lycanthropy? I know it sounds mental, but hear me out. The first sign is strange marks upon the body, such as scratches or teeth indentations. Then there is the full moon, AKA last night. After that the iris can turn to a red perhaps, or a yellow or blue, depending to the status in the pack? Then a transformation begins, teeth protrude and claws as well. There is an inability to control this at the start, and will continue to be uncontrollable until training is found. Until you learn to control the wolf side of you, every time your heart rate increases, be that with happiness, fear or anger. You will feel unimaginable pain." He explained, sounding concerned with the last words.
"So what you're saying is I have to learn to control this so called wolf inside me? Are you telling me I'm a werewolf?" I asked with anger in my voice.
"Well I'm making a suggestion, that's another symptom by the way, annoyance and anger and an incredibly large temper." He whispered.
"Right so it's like PMS? Once a month, extreme pain, irritability. Can't be too hard to control." I said, plainly.
"Well I guess, but it's not the definite fix, or diagnosis. But you could try it perhaps? Look I have to go, so I'll speak later when I know more, I'll keep looking I promise. I'll see you later on tonight okay?" He asked hopefully.
"Yeah, yeah sure. I'll text you the postcode when I get there, bye Jay."
"By Leo." The call ended and I heard the long beep echo through my head. I put my phone down on the chair and kept driving, thinking of ways to learn control. It had been half an hour before my phone began vibrating again and the same familiar xylophone tone started. I once again slid the green button along the screen, not noticing the name.
"Damn Jay, that was quick. Got more info for me already?" I said more cheerfully than before.
"This isn't Jay, Leo. This is the one who marked your body. The one who gave you the gift of the moon. Of the wolf." A slow, deep, monotone voice droned on the other end.
"Excuse me? Look who is this? Is this some kind of joke Jay?" I snapped.
"Like I just said, I am not Jay. And if you want any chance of controlling the beast you hide inside yourself, you'll take my advice and go to the address I give you. You will find control and answers there." The voice droned again.
"Seriously who is this?" I began shouting, fear kicking in.
"Now let's not raise that hear rate. You heard Jay, anything can make you transform and he's right. So listen to me carefully, go to The Broomage, located on Dartmoor. You may take your acquaintance Jay, but no one else must follow. For your safety. Go in the walls, find the lever and the rest will become clear." It went silent. The same infinite beep followed after...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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