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"Guys I'm home." Jade said as she opened the door to their hideout, noticing no one was there. 'I come back from America and no one is here to say hey? Rude.' She thought as she set her bags down, heading to the back to check out everything.

Xtra hadn't been in Korea that long. In fact, they had only moved a few days ago. The work had gotten boring in America, so the four women had decided to make a change and move to Korea.

Jade had moved the other three to Korea while she stayed behind to finish up a job she had been working on. A man by the name of Sampson had hired her to smuggle several pounds of cocaine into Mexico and in return, Sampson was given a trunk full of AR-15's. Of course, the man in charge of the Mexican drug cartel, Francisco, had treated Jade with a spa treatment and two new hand pistols.

Sampson had been thankful and paid her greatly once she arrived back, as well as paying for her plane ticket over to Korea. It would be her first time seeing the hideout furnished- she was sure that it was probably already trashed.

"Jade! You're here finally!" Kirsten said as the other 3 walked in through the door, a grocery bag in hand. Jade realized Kirsten was covered in blood and Lexee and Eli were panting a bit heavier than normal. "What happened? I knew I shouldn't have stayed behind for that job. I should've come with you guys so that you di-" Eli punched her arm and yawned. "For fucks sake, Jade. We're fine. We just had a run-in with one of the local gangs." Jade sat down and sighed, rubbing her face. "Local? Which one?"

The other three looked at each other nervously and then back at their leader. "Bangtan." Lexee squeaked. Jade's head shot up, her eyes wide. "Bangtan!? Why were you even near Bangtan's area?!" She said, clearly worried. "We weren't. We were in our area. They were stalking around because they had heard a new gang from America had moved in."

"That better be someone else's blood on you, Kirsten." Jade said, looking over the gray shirt that was now covered in red stains. "She got.... a bit carried away." Lexee said, trying not to laugh at the thought of Kirsten lashing out on the 8th member of Bangtan.

"I got you a souvenir from the adventure!" Kirsten said happily, pulling a severed pinky finger from her pocket. "We had heard that they had recruited an eighth member the day we moved in, but thanks to psychopath over here, they're back to seven members." Lexee said in amusement. "Well. He shouldn't have tried to stab her." Eli defended, shrugging. Kirsten still had a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Jesus Christ, you guys." Jade said laughing, shaking her head.

"Well. Since you're home, let's go out and celebrate." Eli suggested, the other three nodding in agreement.

Kirsten ran to her room to change clothes as the others waited. Jade set her bat down beside the couch and pulled out the case which held the two pistols that Francisco had given to her.

"Holy shit, those are gorgeous." Lexee said as she looked at the guns from over the couch, Eli joining. "Did Francisco give you those?" Eli asked, running her fingers over them. Jade nodded, grinning and loading the magazines of both guns and sliding them into her holsters just as Kirsten came from her room. "Let's get going."


"I ate too much!" Kirsten groaned, rubbing her stomach. "I could never eat too much." Eli piped in,  stretching. "Of course you couldn't, you can eat everything in the kitchen and still be hungry." Lexee joked, earning a punch in the arm from Eli. "I'm glad I'm back with you guys." Jade said, grinning at her members. "Aw, us too. Aren't they so cute, Jinyoung?" A male voice said from the alley that the girls had passed. 

"Piss off." Jade said, her hands on her guns, the other girls following. "It'd be smart to walk away now." Kirsten added, her playful personality gone. Three males emerged from the alley, their hands up, surrendering. "We just wanted to welcome you to Korea is all. We're GOT7." The assumed leader spoke, grinning mischievously.  "We know who you are." Lexee spat, her dagger held near her thigh, Eli's rifle aimed at the leader's head. He lowered his hands, sticking them in his pockets. "You're so smart, sweetheart." He teased at Lexee, which caused her to grow angrier. "Jaebum, we need to get back to the warehouse. Jackson's waiting." The smallest one said, pushing his blonde hair from his eyes. 

Jaebum's eyes glanced over to the younger, quickly looking back over to the four women, his smirk never leaving his face. "It was amazing to meet you Xtra. I'm sure we'll meet again very soon." He said as they went back into the alley, not sparing another glance at the group.

"What the fuck." Jade said, motioning for the women to put their weapons down. "They were creepy as hell. Bangtan wasn't even that bad." Kirsten said, running her fingers through her hair as they began making their way back to their hideout. "Yeah, they just jumped us. " Eli said, catching  up with the other three. "From what I know, GOT7 is just as bad as Bangtan. I'm not a hundred percent sure on that, though." Jade said, looking around behind the group once they reached their hideout, unlocking the door and ushering her members in before locking the abundance of deadbolts on the door.

"Lexee, I'm going to need you to do some research on them. As much as you can." Jade said, pulling a gun from it's holster and walking through the hideout to check for intruders. "Actually, I need reports on each gang in the area, including the smaller ones." The leader ordered, Lexee nodded as Jade made her way back to the living room, holstering her gun again.

"Sure, Jade. I'm on it."

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