Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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October 31st, 11:23 p.m. Nothing can really be seen except city lights in the distance. But he could only see one bright light.

Its bright...

The light gets closer.

That horn is seriously annoying...




I guess I'm dead now...

He looked around, but there was only darkness for a couple of seconds.


A light?... No... Two?

The boy turned to see two bright glowing orbs. A pure white orb and a violet one.

Should I touch one?... What if it kills me-...

He then remembered he was already dead. Nothing could really kill him anymore anyways. He then went to reach out to the violet one, being it was his favorite color, but then was stopped and startled by a voice.

"Young man, why have you done this?..." The white orb glowed bright and back to normal between each word. The voice was calm and soft, the voice of an older female. "Your mind is so beautiful, there was so much to come in your future... Why have you done this?"

The voice sounded as if it was weeping softly. It seemed very saddened by the boy's death.

"I didn't see anything going for me ma'am." He answered bluntly. The other orb began to speak, this time a male voice with a soft voice, but not as soft as the female.

"What is your name young man?" It asked in a polite tone.

"M-my name?... My name is Takeda Rabu..." he responded.

"And your age?"

"I'm 14 sir."

"So young, such little time..." the white orb wept.

"May I ask where I am? What is going to happen to me? Am I just going to be a ghost?" Takeda asked.

The two orbs were silent for a couple of minutes before the violet one spoke up.

"Young man, your mind cannot go to waste. Out of all the humans in the world, your imagination was never ending. We had high hopes for you, but your selfishly ended your life instead of swing the bright future ahead." Takeda looked down in hearing those words. He felt a little bad that these strangers were so upset about his death, he thought nothing of himself and had no friends. Yet these two orbs were devastated.

"We shall give you, in a way, a second chance. You will become a god, the god of lost souls. You will guide these creative minds into destroying the demons that haunt the innocent minds of the humans who are in pain. You cannot go back to your own world because you have corrupted your body, so instead we will create a new world for you to help grow." The white orb spoke.

Takeda looked at the two orbs like they were crazy. Or maybe he was crazy. Was he imagining these two? He was good at imagining weird scenarios that could never happen. "U-um excuse me? Me? A god? Are you crazy?! And I'm a terrible leader! If you guys know all this about me then you know that I was terrible with people! I couldn't speak to a stranger without tearing up!!" He yelled.

"We know you can do it. And trust me, it will be life changing. You will save those innocent souls." The white orb said. Her voice calmed Takeda down and he was stupid enough to believe her. He was already dead, might as well do something instead of haunt some boring train tracks.

"This world will be yours to control. And the young minds who's lives are ended will be sent to this world, between the ages 10 to 21 to be exact. It does not matter how they died, or what they have done. They will be sent there. We understand that many people die in the human world, so it will be crowded with many souls. However they will be sorted out. Minds that are close to your creativity will become powerful. Their strength depends on how creative they are, but they can get stronger. Those creative minds will fight by your side as you lead them. You each will be given a power that you can shape on your own, you will figure out what that means when you arrive." The violet orb explained.

This was a little much for Takeda to process, but he paraphrased it in his head to help himself understand a little. And when he understood it better he nodded.

"Good luck, beautiful mind. Guide this world to peace." The white orb spoke. Then together, the two orbs circled around the boy, faster than anything he had ever seen. They began to glow brighter and the scenery around him changed, and so did he.

He took a deep breath, as his new life was about to begin.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of my first story if you made it this far hehe!

I'm sorry if it seems a little confusing, and please tell me if it does! I'll try my best to help explain what's going on??? 

I will also be drawing art for this to help give you guys an idea of what the characters look like, sadly I cannot promise a bunch of digital art because I only have a 3ds to do that on and I only have one class period to do the cool stuff lol. But if you are willing to see any future art, my Instagram is in my bio! Thank you! ❤❤❤

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