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Once upon a time there was a blind man that had stumbled across a bump in the ground. The blind man had dropped his cane to feel this mysterious bump, an had realized this is no bump nor start of a hill, but a lamp.

A genie appears be for him.

Stunned the blind man was, the genie offers to grant him three wishes. With out hesitation the blind man wishes for his vision as he kneeled before the genie. Frighten by the appearance of the genie an the power of his own vision. The blind man began to get teary and mumbles "my eyes". With his old scrawny shaky body structure wobbled as he tried to stand. With strength he asked the genie to restore his body's youth so he can be the man he once was with his new vision.

The genie says it's done what shall your last wish be?

The blind man thinks for a moment an remember how he was treated, then told the genie I wish everyone can see.

The genie hesitated. This wish is "impossible" to grant, anything else "you my want"?

"Why is this" the blind man asked?

The genie reply "for everyone to see they have to pay attention, only then they will realize". Any other wish "you may want".

The blind man says no and thanks genie. I wish you were free an walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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