Chapter 3: I cant have my fake girlfriend completely hate me! **

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Jared's P.O.V

It's Sunday. I need something to get my mind off of everything! My mind's preoccupied with Ashely. I never thought I'd live to see the day I thought that. It's not like I was thinking of her exactly, I'm thinking about this fake relationship. What the fuck was I thinking? And Ashely of all people! Well she kinda was one of my only options; come to think of it she was my only option. Why'd I have to even agree to that stupid bet?

Poor Jen, her mascara streaked face tells me she's still not over me. Her friends try to cheer her up but it makes her cry even harder. I had to break up with her. I got bored. Oh well! She'll get over it! I mean it's been a week. She should be over it by now and moving onto her next conquest. It's what girls like her do anyways. I feel someone pat my shoulder.

"My man!" Grey said coming up next to me.

"Hey!" I said leaning up against my locker.

"You watching your victim crumble? I think this is your best one yet!" He asked nodding over to Jen and her friend group.

"I'm not heartless! I feel bad for the girl!" I shook my head. It's true, I felt bad for her. We dated for like 2 weeks. I cared about her. It's just... I don't know. I'm over her type.

"Ha! Sure you do! Just like all you other girlfriends. How long was your longest relationship?" Grey asked seriously. I guess... I guess I've never been in a serious relationship before.

"A month." I replied simply. That's not a long time when you think about it.

"Wow dude. Have you ever not dated a slut?" Grey asked crossing his arms.

"Yes!" I retorted


"Yea. A while back. It obviously didn't last though." I replied rolling my eyes.

"I bet you can't date a nice girl if you tried!" Grey said laughing.

"Oh I most definitely could." I said defensively.

"Well big shot, you have until the end of the month to date the nicest girl in this school." He replied simply.

"But the whole girl population of the school are whores!" I said, almost a bit too loudly. But, there are literally no nice girls in the entire population of this school. It's the best part of this school. All the girls are so easy. How else do you think I can keep up with my conquests?

"Not all of them." He replied before I followed his eyes

"No FUCKING WAY!" I said pointing at him. No fucking way! No, no, no, definitely not. I am not going to date Ashely Woods. That little prep school princess is the most uptight, self-righteous, bitch I have ever met in my entire life. She thinks she's so much better than everyone else because she's involved in everything and has perfect grades and... doesn't sleep around. That doesn't give her the right to judge other people for their life choices. And that doesn't give her an excuse to be a raging bitch either.

"Then I guess you lose." Grey said snapping me out of the mental rant I was having.

"Wait, no! You know I can't give up a bet!" I said defeated.

"Then do it!" He replied before walking away. That little jackass just walked away! Sometime I fucking hate my friends. They just piss... Oops! I slammed into someone by accident.

"Damn it Taylor, watch where the hell you're going!" I heard her voice snap at me. Ah yes, I has woken the wrath of the all mighty Ashely woods

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