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The sun is down.
The moon is up.
The stars are shining.
It's a full moon.
I'm on a cliff.
Staring at the moon.
My eyes are wide.
Why am I afraid?
It all starts,
Long ago.
There was a little girl.
Her name was Sue Vlown.
She had bright blue eyes.
And curly red hair.
Her smile could light up a room.
But little did the people know.
Sweet little Sue had a secret.
On the night of a full moon,
She changed.
There were werewolf attacks.
Nobody blamed Sue,
But they blamed her Father.
Little Sue was devastated,
When she heard that her Father was killed.
Little Sue marched right up to City Hall,
And made a big fuss.
She didn't leave until the next full moon.
Where she changed,
And during her killing she changed back to human.
Then she was locked up.
But little did they know,
Little Sue had a baby,
That her mother raised.
The baby was a werewolf too.
Then the baby married a man,
And she had her a daughter,
And that daughter is me.
Little Sue was murdered,
When my mother was too.
So now I am the last,
Of our kind.
Because I'm a werewolf.
I survived.
I'm a werewolf.
I'm scared of the full moon.
Please don't see me.
I'm a werewolf.
I can survive.
Because I am a werewolf.

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