Best Friend

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 A best friend is someone, who without

you are incomplete.

Someone, who can make everyone

in your life who is hating irrelevant.

Who can make you smile with a simple


A bestfriend is a person, who holds your heart.

Knows your every thought, feels incomplete without you.

Knows the meaning of your tears.

Can tell how much you like someone from a single conversation.

Doesn't regret ever saying what's on their mind.

A best friend doesn't mind looking at you and saying

"I don't know how you know me so well."

Or "I've known some people for years,

but you're one of the people who truly cares."

When you feel the pain of depression lets you know

you die I'm coming with you.

A best friend is someone you can't try to put a price on,

explain, or even try to put into a box.

They are the only people next to you, you can put all your trust in.

A best friend will never make you choose your happiness over theirs

unless they already know the tears are going to be endless.

You can always tell a real best friend from a fake.

If someone talks about you they let you know who and when,

and how they retaliated.

A true best friend knows your weaknesses and strengths,

and never uses them against you, but tries to force you to gain more.

Because they know how amazing you are.

A best friend will never care how many times you disappear

because you don't know how to handle your emotions.

They know you enough to wait until you're ready to talk,

and they listen.

They remind you that your issues are their issues, and

that who ever hurts you should be ready to deal with  two best friends.

They will always try to be as amazing of a friend as they feel you are.

No one should ever look at you and feel inferior if they are your best friend.

Because best friends only see their sister or brother of their soul.

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