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i run as fast as i could to the class, history class. my two pair of foots running are the only sound that can be heard in the school hall.

i wrap my books tightly in my arm, like holding onto my dear life. you thought that maybe she was late because she has a lot works to do at the library. well your thought is wrong. i'm running because i've been pouring my eyes out in the rest room, again.

i've been like this for the straight three days, three goddamn days for two hours. i admit i was a bit emotionally in those past few days. why? i guess there's a lot to list isn't it?

after a few minutes running, i try to regain my normal patterns breath before i knock softly on the wooden door. i jinggle the knob, opening the door to reveal an upset looking mr. sandy, my history teacher. i gulp, sweats start forming on my forehead, possibly thinking of another reasons on why i'm late.

he shakes his head in dissapointment, both hands on his side of his waist. "late again? ms. colin, is there any valid reasons on why you're late, again?"

i shake my head, looking down. "i'm afraid i have no valid reasons." i say honesty lace in every words.

"alright then." he motion for me to sit. "but this will be your last warning. do it again and you'll have detention class. understood?"

i took a seat next to shawn, and putting my bag on top of my desk. "i won't do it again".

he let out a frustration sigh. "good, now write down this note in your note book and pay attention." he say sternly, as i nod. i took out my note book and a few colorful pens from my bag and start writing down the notes that was writen on the white board.

as i was busy paying attention to the notes that was given from mr. sandy, i can't help but to exchange a few glances with shawn that happens to sit next to me.

out of the corner of my eyes, i see that he have a concern look on his face. "does shawn worried about me?" i thought to myself. probably not because he doesn't even care about me but i just brush it off as if i don't want to think about it.

i got snap from my thoughts when he whisper something probably to me. "i do care about you".

oh snap, did i say that too loud?

"you do? how can i not notice that?" i say sarcastically, rolling my eyes while my finger still holding a pen, writing some notes.

he sigh. "you're so full of sarcasm today aren't you?"

"ah, you knew you so well".

"look we need to ta-" he say but got interrupt by mr. sandy.

"ms. colin and mr. mendes, is there something that you would like to talk in front of the class because yours were probably mote important than mine." he say sternly, looking at the two of us.

i sigh, rolling my eyes, as shawn mumble. "nothing".

"good unless you both want to talk in my class again, you can take your stuff with you and get out from my class."

shawn rolls his eyes and mumbles to himself. "whatever mr. fatass."

i lightly chuckles at his responds causing him to shoot me a playfully glare.

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