Oneshot don't drink and write

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Whoohoo! Oneshot time!

For garrance_narwhal she's a sweetie check her out her stories are the bomb k

okay yeah its gaurance



Thunk. The sword's blade digs securely into the tree's bark.

"How could she not tell us?! Leading us on like that!" Laurance shouts as he paces back and forth, crunching leaves under his feet as his eyes gleam a violent red.

He was in his Shadow Knight form. An angry haze floats around him as he throws a fit. Livid, is a word I'd use.I'm not quite sure what was more disturbing: the hateful look on his face, or the fact that I thought it was at least a little hot.

Irene, forgive me.

"Laurance, calm down," I say softly, wiping sweaty palms on my jeans. I find myself having to avoid his eyes, keeping my head down in a weak attempt to hide my nerves.

"Calm down? You're joking! She lied to us, she lead us on! How can you be so relaxed about this?!" My best friend is almost screaming by now, a step closer to me.

"Because, I've made rash decisions in a situation like this, and I regret every moment that has come of it. I don't want you to make the same mistakes." I struggle to keep my voice even, looking at the ground in front of me.

He steps again closer, the armored toe of his boots appearing.

"I always know when you're lying to me, Garroth. Or hiding something at the very least," He growls, grabbing my shoulder. I could certainly tell if it weren't for the gloves, his nails would be digging holes in my skin. "Tell me."

I take a sharp breath before glancing up to meet fiery eyes. Laurance looks over my face for a moment, biting his lip until it's ghostly white, the way he does whenever he's thinking. I freeze, and a pin-prick feeling of fear settles in my chest. With a sigh, he lets go of my shoulder and returns to trying to pull his sword out of the innocent tree he just mangled.

"Maybe," he grunts, tugging hard on the sword that seems very determined to remain in it's spot, "Maybe you're right. But even still, you have to be a little upset! She-- agh-- should have told us!"

"I believe that Lady Aphmau had the right to keep it between them," I start, and it doesn't take a wise man to think against telling him that his reaction may be among her reasons. "Besides, she has far more warrant to be upset than you.. do..." My voice fades on the last few words, the idea of it aggravating him more dawning just too late.

"I have no warrant?" He says loudly, letting go of the sword's hilt to gesticulate wildy. "she found out she's having a baby, probably the best news she's had in months, while we found out she was running off in secret with some guy any of us hardly knew!"

Shock prevents me from speaking back immediately. There's a silence. Not a comfortable one, either. A tense one, the sort where you hold your breath and bite your tongue, hating the lack of sound but too afraid too make any.I had something to say. Actually, I had a lot to say, but a smarter side of me told me to hold back. The fact his sword was embedded in a tree didn't give me much confidence, either, so I wait for him to cool down before continuing carefully.

"The man she loved died, and left her to find she was with his child. And don't try to forget Lilith, who Aphmau has to care for alone. Put yourself in Aphmau's shoes, just for a moment," I almost mumble in an attempt to speak as gently as I can.

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