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( I love you guys so much thanks you, you lovelies I got to 2k reads. Just a wee little warning, this may get sexual... You were warned.)

Songs for this chapter:

A Little Death - The Neighbourhood

Two Birds - Regina Spektor

My eyes flutter open and I'm in my dorm, I don't remember getting here however I have a feeling I was brought here by someone. The company of a warm body behind me makes the realization very clear. Harry brought me here. His arm was secured tight around my waist holding me into his chest. I try to wiggle away because I really had to pee but he had me locked in his hold.

"Harryy." I wine, moving around to get out of his grasp. I have no luck so I poke his sides attempting to tickle him.

"Whhaaaaat?" He wines, his voice is raspy and thick with sleep. I find this extremely attractive for some reason.

"I really need to pee." Way to be a romantic Shannon. You have a beautiful human lying next to you yet your damn pee needs to get in the way.

His fingers tickle against my side, I squeal and attempt to wiggle away once again. "Harry!" I yelp as he continues his assault. "Okay, I get it!" tears are flowing from my eyes from laughing. He lets me go and I scurry to the bathroom.

Once I come out, Harry is propped up on his elbow looking right into eyes. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, followed by a lip bite. His eyes scan my body, I can't help but feel uncomfortable. Was there something about my body that made him stare, although I see a look of desire rather than disgust.

"You have no idea how hot you look in my clothes." His bottom lip is harshly pulled between his teeth as his eyes continue to plow inside me.

I give him a confused look, what is he... I glance down at my attire. "Oh." I hadn't even realized I wasn't wearing my own clothes. I look at him scared, did he..

"I didn't peek." He interrupts my thoughts, as if knowing them exactly. A growing smirk is plastered on his gorgeous face.

I run to the bed and jump onto him, I grab his wrist and pin them above his head, he looks shocked at first but immediately recovers. "I win." I proudly state, throwing a smirk right back at him.

He purses his lips and shakes his head at me, "So that's how it's gonna be, huh babe?" My eyes go wide at his threatening words. Suddenly he flips our positions, his hips are pressing my down along with his hands cupping my hands to either side of my head. I flash back to that boy on top of me, shivers shooting through my blood. Almost as if pulling me out of the darkness, soft lips are placed to mine. He pulls away for a second, I feel him smiling above me not even realizing I was smiling too. I open my eyes briefly, seeing his softly shut. I notice something, something important... you don't need to see something to feel the beauty in it. Right now lying here with Harry hovering over me, I shut my eyes again. Mainly because I I know I'll feel the beauty with us, but also because the eyes can be deceiving. If anyone else were to look at Harry they'd think he was a bad boy, someone who was destructive and mean. They don't know though, they don't know who he is.

"You still have the rose?" Harry asks me. It takes me moment to know what he's talking about. The rose he gave me in the first few days we met. I give him a nod and smile, that smile fades with his next question. "Why didn't you put it in water?" I had an answer, but no one ever understood why i thought the way I did. I have to realize Harry is different though, he understands me.

"Well, why should I put it in water? Only so it won't die right, or at least not die as fast. The flower will eventually die, so why make it slower rather than just letting it go quick." I shrug and stare at him, awaiting his response.

CaughtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora