Chapter Thirteen- Why is everyone suddenly worried?

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Sorry for the long wait today, I was busy with a Health assignment :\ Plus I had photo day to worry about, which was today. Those people creep me out, always wanting me to 'smile! smile! SMILE!' when i am smiling! It's annoying, and i always look bad anyway

but who cares, right?


(PS- this is what i think Noah would look like ---->>> WAT DO U THINK?!?!?)



Jessie carries me outside, where the cold hair hits me like a ton of bricks. It makes me feel freezing, since I am currently soaking wet. I probably should have changed into dry clothes, but I really didn't want to.  

"Destiny? Are you alright?" I hear Remy asks, sounding strangely worried which is unlike her. She's more of the bubbly, brush it off her shoulder type of girl.  

I think about her question. Am I alright? Well, considering what has happened to me the answer seems pretty clear. 

My teeth chatter as I shiver passes through my body. 

I decide to answer. 

Am I alright? 

"Hell no."

(Destiny's POV)

I didn't say anything after that. I retreated into the furthest part of my mind, hiding from the world around me. 

Before I knew it, I was at Jessie's house. I was dripping wet, cold and extremely moody. Without saying a word I scared everyone away from me, even Athena who wasn't scared of me in the slightest. It's strange to see people move away from me, yet I still push them away. 

I didn't eat anything that night. Jessie tried coaxing me to eat something, even if it was only a few bites, but I refused to even open my mouth. I feel like anything that I eat with have a brief meeting with my stomach before resurfacing again.  

Someone knocks on the door. I am in Jessie's room, sitting in a corner with my knees up to my chest and my arms around them. My chin rests on my kneecaps. I am still dripping wet, my hair falling in limp, loose strands.  

I don't call out to let the person in. 

They sigh, before opening the door anyway.  

Jessie walks in the room with a worried scowl on his face. There is a plate of food in his hands. He shuts the door behind him and walks to sit in front of me. He puts the tray of food on the floor between us.  

I look at it disdainfully. On any other occasion I would be scoffing it down like a hungry dog. But now, the sight and smell of it was making me feel sick to my stomach. I look away. 

"Please, Destiny, each something." Jessie pleads. "Even if it is only a few bites. Just eat something." 

I don't say a word. I'm afraid that if I open my mouth more tears will spill out. I don't want to ever cry again. I cried when I told Jessie of my life, and I cried behind the waterfall. I will not let any more tears spill from my eyes. If I didn't cry when I was being abused by my own Mother, I will not cry. 

I am stronger than that. 

Even if I was rejected for her. 

And that's what happened to me. My Father obviously shipped Dawn off to Australia and had someone care for her until she was seven before hauling his ass there and leaving me with Karol. He wanted her over me. He rejected me as his daughter by lying to me. Karol made it clear everyday that I wasn't wanted, so I guess I was rejected on all fronts. 

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