Chapter 18

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Moving day is here! I say that like I'm excited and it's not that I'm not but I still feel like I'm leaving my entire life behind which in a way I am.

After morning prayers, I move upstairs to my bedroom for a final round of parking. Christmas Eve and the 25th had both been spectacular; Christmas Eve because of the dinner we had and the 25th because I got to spend it with my dad and grandparents. It had been such as awesome time to catch up with each other.

Glancing at all the opened presents on my bed, my lips curl into and unavoidable smile. Dad had gone all out by getting me a pack of flower soaps and a Mason jar speaker which I'm sure costs around $70. Mine is a vintage blue ball with a black cord attached and works great with my guitar and iPhone. I've already been jamming and playing along to Jesus Culture, Dietrick Haddon and a few others on it.

Patty had been Patty and had gotten me a DIY lip balm kit which I truly love. I've already been experimenting with a few flavors and colors. Last night, I whipped up a plain old Strawberry balm for the new school year.

Javier, bless his heart, had gotten me a cool silver cross necklace and a pack of guitar picks much like the ones I got for Jerry.

Tyler had gotten me a pretty red and white scarf which I actually have on right now, ready for the move.

Last but not list, Jeremiah White, my beloved cousin. He had gotten me a emoji phone case and a personalized bubble wrap calendar which consists of all the fun times we had growing up together; Just looking at the photos makes my eyes water.

He knows how much I can't resist bubble wrap.

"Gennii." Dad calls. "Your friends are here."

At his words, I bound down the stairs two at a time.





These are the various forms of my precious name that are called out as I make my way into the living room.

"Hey Patty, Jerry, Javi, Tyler." I call, hugging each of them in turn.

I'm such a cuddly person.

Their parents couldn't make it though; each of them had something to do at work.

"You little sneak." Patty gushes, flashing her half of the necklace I'd gotten. "I love you so much. Thank you thank you thank you." She squeals, pulling me in for another hug and nearly squeezing out my life force.

"You're welcome." I smile, subtly gesturing at my lips. "I love my present as well."

"Ehem." Jerry clears his throat, pretending to cough.

"Oh Jerry," I laugh, bounding towards his spot on the couch. "I love your present too. I love all the presents I got. Thank you guys so much."

"No Gennii." Javi smiles. "Thank you." You have no idea how long I've been wanting a pack of crayons and that sketch pad, how'd you know I needed a new one?"

"I didn't." I chuckle. "But I'm glad you liked it."

"Thanks for the box of acrylics as well Patty." He says, addressing her. "They're the best out there."

Patty smiles. "You're welcome. I really like my personalized hair band and drumsticks."

Yeah, Patty plays drums. Shocking isn't it?

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