Chapter 1- Intro

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Third POV
Tord and Matt sitting in history class finishing a project together. Everyone is paired up.

Matt is a ginger boy. He loves fashion,perfection and gossip. Matt loves selfies and is a great photographer. He was 5'4. Then there's Tord. A Norwegian brunette. You can tell by his accent. He is very quiet,shy, and an introvert,he is 5'2. He loves reading hentai and plushies.

They were the nerds. They wore huge round glasses and hair pins in there hair.

traight A's.
Never Skip/Absent.
Never in trouble or even cause trouble.
Finish homework and assignments on time.

They're both in high school.
They were even the bestest of friends. The two finish the project they were working on and turn it in.

The bell rang for lunch. Like always avoid everyone or everyone avoids them and eat outside of school. The two went outside on there bench table. They sit and grab there lunches from their backpack. They sat and ate in scilence. Enjoying the breeze of the wind.

Matt starts the conversation"I wonder what we got on our project

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Matt starts the conversation"I wonder what we got on our project." "Probably an A+, we are A's students,Matt." Tord replies. " "I know.just wondering." Matt opens up Snapchat and takes a selfie with Tord. The two males giggles.They continue to talk about work eventually, finish their meals and study 'til the bell rang. They continue the day.


Tom and Edd were sitting in lunch detention at math class.

Tom was a eyeless brunette. He had a British accent. He was a jock, player and a total big asshole. He was 6'0 tall and he was the captain of a football team. Edd was a brunette. He loves to draw and animate. He was a good quarterback in toms football team. He was a jerk, rude and sometimes an ass. He was 5'11 tall.

The two were in lunch detention. Why? Well they threw paper balls across the room, interupt class, and curse the teacher out.

They were popular because of their trobluenss. The two would only get B or C in class.

"Ugh when is it gonna be over!" Edd groans. "I think about-" Tom didn't finish his sentence the bell had rung. Signaling lunch break is over. The two rush and left the class. Continuing the day.

Short chapter. Update more on the next one. Love ya beauties..

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