Chapter 2 - How they met.

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Third POV
It was a new day. Friday. Matt and Tord woke up early, like always 5am. They said their good-mornings. Tord went in the kitchen and made pancakes for Matt.

Matt comes in the kitchen and eyes the pancakes on the table

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Matt comes in the kitchen and eyes the pancakes on the table. "Are those for me?" Matt ask. Tord nods a yes. Matt takes a mouthful. "OMG! They are so good. Nom nom nom." Matt took more bites stuffing his cheeks. "Careful I don't want you to choke." Tord giggles. He got a bowl of cereal.

They finish eating and get ready for school

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They finish eating and get ready for school.

Tord outfit

Tord wore to school a grey tucked in baggy shirt with shorts and black knee socks

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Tord wore to school a grey tucked in baggy shirt with shorts and black knee socks. Covering the outfit puting a white jacket.
Matt outfit

Matt wore a high-waisted white skirt with a grey long-sleeve crop top that are rolled up to his sleeve, Last with black knee socks

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Matt wore a high-waisted white skirt with a grey long-sleeve crop top that are rolled up to his sleeve, Last with black knee socks. The two nerds like wearing women clothing. It felt more comfortable. They grab their back packs,pack lunch, and grab their backpacks.
They check the time 7:15 and they left to school.

A few hours later....

It was finally lunch. They stayed back to help the teacher. The two besties walk down the hallway to the cafeteria. They've been pushed on the way walking. Tord and Matt look up see a group of people laughing.

The popular kids. They were the bullies in the school.

"Hey,that wasn't very nice." Matt pouts and gets up.

"Shut up ,nerd. No one likes you. I don't even know why you two existed are even here." A dumb bitchy blonde says her name was Amanda. The sluttiest girl in school and cheerleading team. The girls group laugh they're cheerleaders also.

Matt was gonna cry ,but try hard to hold the tears back. He is very sensitive and emotional sometimes.
The women grabs his glasses and looks around. "Oh look. The ginger freak wants his glasses back." She snaps them in half. Tord was holden back. They pulled on Matts hair and slap him. Others record and took pictures ,while laughing.

Tord POV
"Leave us alone!" I yelled trying to be brave."Why?I heard you Norwegians are communist people." Amanda says. I want to beat her. She can't disrespect my race.

The teachers probably heard the chanting and came out. The group got away "We're not finish. We'll get you back." They say.

I roll my eyes. I can see Matt crying, I hug him.

"My face." He cried a bit on my shoulder. "You're still beautiful." I calm him down a bit. I maybe be a midget, but I'm strong to hold the pain. We went outside and ate our meals in peace. Nothing but scilence, we didn't talk about the situation. The bell rang signaling it's over.

Guess what....

The group came back and ambush us in the hallways. I fell of a hard rough push. I look up and see the group of people chanting fight. Matt was hit and kick ,already on the floor. Same with me.

I hear a person gasp and mumbles something to Amanda. "Oh, okay. Tom. Edd. How are you two?" She puts on a innocent face. Matt was whimpering in fear and pain.
There was two brunettes coming our way a eyeless tall one and a small one four or six inches taller than me. The eyeless one leaves to somewhere. Then the brunette came our way.

"Why are you hanging out with losers, like these?" A brunette says and points then laughs.

"They are being tought a lesson. Don't worry, Edd. Besides they're very weak to do anything." Amanda smirks.

I see him walk to Matt and bend down to his height. Matt was facing the floor not looking up, or even making eye contact.

"Hey look up." This 'Edd' guy Demands. "Ma'am. I need you to look up at me." Edd says more demanding. He just slaps him hard. "Leave him alone!" I yelled. My voice got hush by someone covering my mouth making me mumble the words.

I hear the group chanting fight. I see Amanda. Tom was with me. We were going to next period. "Dude, teachers are coming. I'll distract them. Tell me what happens" Tom say. I nod and he left. I see Amanda and her friends holding down two people. I smirk I haven't seen this in awhile. I walk up to get a close glimpse on what's going on. I notice they're the nerds. How can I tell. Glasses and weak not to fight back. A ginger and a brunette. I pass the brunette. A ginger boy or girl was whimpering and crying. I would be look at immediately. I like the respect."Hey look up" I demand. I can feel the brunette glare at me. I didn't care. I slap him hard. I smirk I love seeing people be feared. "Ma'am I need you to look up at me." I raise my voice. I didn't know if the person was a girl or boy didn't say anything.

Matt POV
I look up, tears still streaming down. I sniffled. My cheek hurts by his powerful slap. I see him smirk, and it drops when he sees my face. He looks at me directly in the eyes. I can see a tint of pink in his cheeks. "I'm not a girl." I told him it came out as a whisper. He was a brunette with beautiful green eyes. I'm not gonna lie he was handsome. He was speechless at first and spoken with a kind voice. "What's your name?" He ask softly.
"Matt." I answer shyly.
"Well Matt your very cute." He says to me and grab my hand and kiss it. I was flushed, I didn't say anything. Tord looks at me then him, like he saw something explode. Even everyone was quite shock. It was scilent in the hallways.

Holy crap.I regret slapping his face. These weird feelings came to me. I felt heat rush into my face and my heartbeat fasten up.I just stare at his face. I love his beautiful Purplish-green eyes, cute freckle face and his nice body. Call me crazy. He is perfect. I haven't notice how I am still starring at his eyes, so beautiful. "Would you like to hang out with me after school? You can bring your friends." I say politely to him. I can hear the people gasp around me. His face was flushed again "uh, sure." He gave me a small shy smile. I just grinned wide. My cheeks are flushes with a dark red. "Stay still." I told him. I grab my phone and took a picture. "New background screen." I told him. I show him he just cover his face in embarrassment. "Cute" I stand up and held my hand out. He gladly takes it. I love his soft hands. The bell rang ruining the moment. "See you later, cutie." I wave him bye. Everyone just stop. I walk to class with a hi grin on my face..

Third POV
The bell rang and signals that the day was ending. People were whispering and talking about what had happened. Edd never been this kind and polite. They were used to him rejecting others or make fun of them. Edds is now the happiest person. Now let us see if Tom and Tord cross paths..

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