Chapter 5: Marriage

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Impossible Equals Nothing

"What? How? What do you mean?" I asked them. No one would answer me. "How?" I asked again, growing more and more impatient by the second.

It was felix that finally answered me, "Your mom is... or should I say was the Queen. You remember that bright light that you saw the night of her disappearance?" I just nodded my head, all words failed to come out of my mouth. "Well, that light is called a soul. There are tons of them. They can either work for good causes or... evil. They transfer to different worlds, seeking out people."

When I could finally find my sense to speek, I asked "So it wanted my mom?" I began to start playing with my napkin. Folding and unfolding.

"Well, all souls have a master that they have to listen to," alexander told me. "A man name andy sixx was controlling it, and he didn't just want your mom, but you too..." His voice trailed off, leaving me still confused.

felix picked up where alexandria left off, "Mead is a insane werewolf that has wanted to rule this planet for years. Your mom has tried so many times to get rid of him. Nothing has worked, he's too strong. He is powerful and he will destory anything that comes in his way... including you..."

"Why didn't that light... I mean soul get me too?" I asked still confused.

"Your necklace," serpent told me, "It's like a shield."

"It also transported us here," felix said, looking around the table. He refused to look at me.

"My necklace?" I asked looking down at it. I had it since... as long as I could remember. I was just a plain purple heart.

"It's the only thing in the world that can save you from a soul or transport you to other worlds, unless you have that extra ability..." serpent said, actually looking at me. I could tell that he didn't wan't to see the sorrow in my eyes, but he wouldn't move, and I was happy for that. "Souls should be the only things that can be able to transport to other worlds, but somehow your mom got a hold of this enchanted stone. I guess that she just made it into a necklace for you to wear to keep you safe... and it worked."

So now they were trying to me that my necklace was magic? Nice, but it seemed that anything could happen now, so I believed them, no matter how idotic it sounded. " So where's my mom now?" No one would answer me, so I asked again, "Where is she?"

"The soul that andy sixx was controlling," alexander said, looking away, "Was ordered to kill your mother..."

My eyes were filled with tears in seconds and I couldn't stop them from coming. I balled my eyes out, wanting to die. "So my dad didn't really get killed by a drunk driver? Didn't he?"

"No," felix replied, taking my hand, stroking it gentley. "The soul found him first. That's why your house was such a mess. Souls fly with impssible speeds. It came to your house looking for her earlier. I'm so sorry alexandria." felix hugged me tight and I cried on his shoulder helplessly.

Between sobs I asked, "I'm to...kill...this andy sixx guy...right?"

"Not by yourself," alexander answered, looking at me with pity in his dark eyes. "We'll be with you the whole way."

"Is there anything else that I need to know?" I asked, willing myself to stop crying.

"Yes," felix answered, pulling away from me. felix looked alexander pleadingly. alexander nodded his head and he looked me forgivingly.

"After we deafeat andy ," alexander said looking down at his hands, "Your going to have to marry..." His voice trailed off.

"It's tradition," serpent said, looking up at the ceiling with the same intrest as felix had earlier. "Every heir or heiress has to take a wife or husband before reassuming leadership. That's another reason why we're here. Your mom chose the four of us, knowing that the end of her was coming soon, and you have to pick one of us to marry..."

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