Mr and Mrs Curtain, number 10 Camden Street, lived a normal life for many years. Mr Lionel Curtain, would often wake up at 5 in the morning, before leaving for his office job. Mrs Annette Curtain, is a stay at home mum, taking care of their little daughter, Carly.

It was a Friday. About 4 'o' clock in the afternoon and Mr curtain was returning from his tedious office job. He expected to be greeted by his wholesome family, but instead there was a small white bundle on his door step. A note was placed gently on its chest. The envelope was white; however, it was tinted yellow. The writing was swirled and oozed purple ink. It read:


You were once a trusted family of mine. Now, I trust you with the life of my only child, Nova. Keep her safe and make sure she goes to THE school. You know which one.


He sighed and gritted through his teeth, "Annette!" He howled loudly. His wife hurried and opened the door, with a young child nestled in her arms. She gasped, after reading the letter. A year-old child was left in their care, but they never knew the parent.

Mr and Mrs curtain decided to adopt the child. Nova was never treated the same as Carly. At Nova's 5th birthday, she got a blanket. Carly got a bike and a TV. Nova was never an ungrateful child, but she did get jealous when her adopted sister got the best. Even her room was a downgrade. The walls were layered with mould and the paper was peeling away. She had the only ensuite in the house, but that was full of mould and damp, so she never used it.

Nova was a quite child. Her eyes, black as the darkest night. So was her hair. Pitch black and curled at the ends. By the time Nova was 8, her hair was curled and long enough for her to sit on. A few white streaks started to appear to. Mr and Mrs Curtain hated her hair. Every year they would cut it all off, but soon, it would grow back to its original length.

Nova's only entertainment was doing chores and listening to the bird's chorus on a morning. Nova longs for a difference or a change. Even if it were her bed sheets.

On the night of her 11th birthday, she lay in bed. Think about the changes she wanted. A new bed, a pet, a bike; even if it was a hand-me-down, or a friend. The thing she was desperate for the most, was her lock to be taken off of her door. That same night, she herd the Curtains talking down stairs.

"She will get a letter soon," stated Mr Curtain.

"Do we let her go?" Replied his wife.

"We promised never to let 'their' kind into our lives. Do we ruin what we have built for our Carly?"

"But Lionel, her mother told us we were too,"

"Who cares about her mother? The old witch is probably dead anyway. Annette, what do we do?"

"I suggest we follow her mother's wishes. The positives of this is that it's a boarding school. We won't see her for years." Lionel nodded his head.

Nova realized the old man was coming up the stairs, so she quickly ran over to her desk, to pretend she was doing homework.

"Nova!" Shouted the man,

"Yes, sir."

"We are not going out tomorrow, as we are expecting a letter. So, you can stay up a little later tonight."

"Thank you, Mr Curtain." He slammed and locked her door. When Nova though the man had left, she jumped with joy. She didn't have to sit in a car with Carly and her bratty friends. She also could stay up later. This weekend, the odds may be in her favour.

She woke up in the morning feeling happy, but also nervous. She remembered the curtains actions last night and it made her think, "why were they acting like that?"

She sauntered downstairs, thinking everything had changed, until she opened the kitchen door.

"What time do you call this?! Annette had to make breakfast herself!" Mr curtain shouted,

"Sorry Sir." Nova was made to sit on the couch, in silence, while the curtains played cards. She frowned and hoped that one of the times that Mr curtain lifted his head, he will ask her to join in, but he never did. These antics went on for the whole day, before there was a loud bang at the Curtain's door.

Mr Curtain slowly opened the door, to reveal a tall man. Wide and tall. He had black hair and beard, his eyes were like beetles. His voice rattled as he spoke,

"Nova, umm, 'no last name', my name is Rubius Hagrid. Here's your Hogwarts letter. We didn't trust the owl." She was handed a piece of yellow parchment, with green ink. It read:

Dear Nova,

You have been accepted into Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"You're a witch, Nova, and I bet a great one."

"Really? I'm a witch."

"Yep. Now, no time to waste. All your stuff is in the alley, so grab your coat and let's go." Nova and Hagrid got onto an old fashioned bike. With one twist of the handles, the bike was flying over London, until it landed in an alley. The giant knocked on a wall and then walked in, to what seemed to be an old bar. They carried on through to what seemed to be a market.

"Welcome to Diagone Alley." Nova was in awe. The people who walked past were in cloaks and tall, pointed hats. She turned to see Hagrid with a trolley, followed by a boy with another trolley. He had short hair and circular glasses. Also, a scar, the shape of a lightning bolt.

"Hello, I'm Harry Potter." They shook hands,

"I'm Nova."

"Don't you have a last name?" Harry asked,

"I supposed, but I don't know what it is?"

"Hagrid do you know?" Harry asked the tall man,

"Harry, it's not something I should be telling her. Not at the moment anyway." Hagrid said and guided them all to a plat form," right, here's your tickets. Now enjoy."

"Platform 9 and ¾? There's no such thing," said Harry, looking down the platform.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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