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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELSA!" Anna screamed, waking her sister from her deep sleep. "Thanks Anna, but next time be a bit quieter pleaseeee?" Elsa said, rolling over to see Anna holding a wrapped gift in her hands. "Oooo but what's that?" She said as she quickly sat up and looked up at Anna. "It's a gift for you!" Anna smiled. "I mean it's not much, but I thought you'd like it!" She sat next to Elsa and handed her the present.

Elsa slipped off the pretty blue ribbon, and carefully tore off the silver wrapping paper. She opened the white box, and inside it was a gorgeous blue and white dress, and had a design much like the dress she wore for her coronation last year. "Oh Anna it's beautiful, I love it!" She turned to her and give her a big hug. "In fact, I think I'll wear it today for the ball!" Anna's face filled with excitement, and she jumped up and said, "well c'mon try it on!" And pulled elsa off the bed.

Elsa stepped out into the hall, wearing the dress. "Oh Elsa, you look stunning!" Anna exclaimed. "Thank you." Elsa said, blushing. Suddenly Anna remembered she was still in her pajamas, and ran to her room to go change. "I'll only be a few minutes Elsa!" She yelled from down the hall. "Oh and just meet me in the foyer, There's some place I want to show you in town!" "Okay Anna!" Elsa chuckled.

She saw Anna rushing down the stairs in a dress that was quiet similar to her's, except it was pink, and it had short off-shoulder sleeves, which She liked. Anna started talking a hundred words a minute, "okay so first we need to meet up with Kristoff at the gates, because he knows where this place is and I don't, and then we have to go to the market to get Sven carrots which I don't know why he didn't just get them for Sven beforehand but oh well. And then maybe we can get you a cake or something, and where do you want to eat? Do you even want to go somewhere to eat or are you not even hungry cause I mean I'm not hungry but if you are that's-"

"Anna!" Elsa cut her off. "Calm down, we can only be out for a little while. We still have to prepare for the ball and figure all that out." She smiled softly at Anna, and walked towards the gates. "Alright Elsa, I'm just really excited for today!" She skipped to the doors, and the ran to Kristoff. "KRISTOFFFF!" She jumped into his arms and laughed. He smiled at her and they kissed very sweetly. Elsa felt a bit sad for a short moment, only because she wished she could have what Kristoff and Anna have.

But she shrugged it off, and Kristoff came over to Elsa and gave her a tight hug. "So how's the birthday girl?" He asked, with a big smile. "I'm great! I mean how could you not be great when you're with this girl? (Referring to Anna)" Elsa said, nudging Anna. "Good point!" Kristoff agreed.

As they were making their way towards town, the ships were arriving, along with the guests on them. Elsa looked around and out of the corner of her eye, noticed someone familiar. Hans. Could it be...? No. That's crazy. She looked over at him and she was almost sure it was him. He looked straight at her and quickly looked away. Maybe her mind was just messing with her. She just brushed it off and ran to catch up with Anna and Kristoff.

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