Chapter Four

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"You really like dragging me places, don't you?" I say as I stand face to face with Morotia in a dimly lit janitors closet. If it was anyone other than her, I would've thought I was here to make out.

"Shut up." She says, rolling her eyes, then glaring at me. "Why won't you stay away from Maya?"

"Why do I need to? What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything. She's just not a good girl, ok?"

"Oh and you're so great?"

"No one is forcing you to hangout with me."

"Um, actually our science teacher is."

She rolls her eyes again. "Like I said earlier, just stay away from her." She's about to walk out but I stop her.

"Will you please stop doing that?" She says.

"Not until I get some answers!"

"I already told you no!" She tries to walk out again, but I move myself between her and the door.

"Gosh, what is it going to take for you to let me out of here?!"

"I need at least some answers."

"Fine. But it depends on the questions."

"Well, that's a little better than thirty seconds ago so I'll take it. Now, can you please just tell me something about why you hate Maya so much?"

She lets out a sigh. "She betrayed me a few years ago. That's all I'm saying."

"That's fine. I'll take it. So, basically what you're saying is, you don't want me to hangout with her so that she doesn't betray me too? But, wait a minute, and plead correct me if I'm wrong, I thought you didn't care about anybody? So why does it bother you if I anything happens to me at the hands of Maya?"

"Let me out."

"You didn't answer me."

"I told you about me and Maya, now let me out."

"Alright, fine. Fine. Just one more question."

She lets out an angry sigh, crosses her arms and looks down at the ground. I take this as my permission to continue.

"Is Maya why you're like this?"

She looks up at me, pure anger in her eyes. I think I've just resurfaced something dangerous.

"Let. Me. Out." She says calmly and quietly, which is scarier than if she would've been yelling at me.

I look at her a moment longer, staring into her eyes, trying to see if I can find anything in them. She's learned how to guard herself well. All I can see is anger. Obviously Maya is a touchy subject, but I'm still not completely sure yet. Looks like I'm going to have to figure this out a different way.

I open the door to let Morotia out and she is out of sight within seconds. It was hard to see in the dimly lit closet but I thought I caught a glimpse of tears in her eyes as she walked out. Morotia is a lot more complicated than I thought.

I'm walking out of the doors of the school to head home when my phone goes off. It's a text from Zay.

'Can you come by my house man? Kinda important.'

I text him back that I'll be there in five minutes. I take the subway to his neighborhood. I walk up to his front door and knock on the door. He answers and let's me in. We go up to his room. He sits on his bed, I take his chair at his desk.

"What's up, dude?" I ask.

"You remember when I had to leave Morotia's early yesterday?"

"I meant to ask you about that but I figured you didn't want to talk about it at school."

"Yeah, thanks for that. Um, so I have a sister who stayed back in Texas. She's married, has a husband, a daughter too. She got pregnant again, they just found out it was a boy a couple weeks ago." His eyes start welling up with tears. He quickly wipes them away before continuing. "Last night she wasn't feeling well and so they went to the hospital and... she... oh God... she..."

"Hey, it's ok man. Just let it out."

He looks at me and nods his head. This time he doesn't stop the tears. I can't imagine how he's gotten through the last three years with only Morotia to call as a "friend."

"She lost him. She lost the baby. It was so sudden and so unexpected. She was devastated, and so was her husband. We all were." He stops to wipe the tears from his face before continuing again. "So, um, basically, we're going back to Texas for a bit. I don't know how long for. I should be back in time to finish the semester, but I won't be able to finish the project with you guys. My mom can still egg the skeleton but-"

I cut him off. "Hey, it's ok man. You do what you need to do. Don't worry about the project. I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I hope everything works out for her and your family, I really do."

"Thanks, man. I'm glad to know that I'll have a friend like you to come back to."

"You'll always have me." I stand up and grip him by the shoulder. Although I do feel bad for him, I'm not one to show physical affection to anyone, no matter what the context.

"When do you leave?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. My mom wants to get there as soon as possible."

"Of course. Well, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. And Morotia oddly enough. I know she'll pretend not to care but if you could just tell her what happened and why I'm not there."

"Of course."

I help him pack up a few things before heading back to my own home. I walk past my screaming parents and head to my bedroom.

I flop onto my bed and sigh. Just me and Morotia for the next who knows how long. This should be interesting.

Everything Is Not What It Seems {GMW} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now