Chapter 5 I am here for you

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Hey guys okay so here is chapter 5!! I finished this during the Super Bowl because I think we can all agree it was shit. Unless of course if your a Seahawks fan. I really really like this chapter so I hope you enjoy it.

Song for this chapter:

Fix You- Coldplay

Chapter 5

I am here you you.

Savannah's POV

I didn't really know what to say to him. I really didn't want to tell people about the incident with my family but what else was there to talk about without explaining where my family is. My instincts tell me that I can trust Luke only because I have been a huge fan of his for a little over a year, but the other part of me is screaming DON'T TELL HIM. I have only just met him in person, but he already has me totally intrigued by him. I love everything about that boy and I want to be close to him I really do but I wish I didn't have to tell him this story. I know I am going to have to tell someone sooner or later. Better to tell him now than never right? Okay well here goes nothing.

I took a deep breath and then let out a sigh. "Well what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Well where did you live before you came here? You are obviously american." Luke stated.

"I came from Chicago, Illinois."

"Oh why did you move so far?"

"Emma and Tessah's dad received a really great job offer."

"Wait so you came here with them? Where is your family?" Luke asked.

I sucked in a breath. "Dead." I whispered.

The second the words came out of my mouth Luke looked like he saw a ghost. The look on his face was enough to tell that he instantly regretted asking that question.

"oh my god Savannah I am so sorry!" He said reaching over to wrap his arms around my small body.

I knew he was doing this out of sympathy. I didn't need people's pity but I couldn't let my self pull away from him. When he wrapped his arms around me I could feel a spark through my whole body. That hug felt so right.

"It's okay you didn't know." I informed him. "Do you want to know what happened?"

"No you don't have to tell me it's okay." He said pulling me closer in to his body.

I pulled away and looked directly at his big gorgeous blue orbs.

"No i want to."

"I'm serious Savannah I understand. You don't have to tell me."


I instantly regretted yelling at him. He was only trying to be caring.

"I'm sorry I yelled but please let me tell you. I need to tell someone besides Emma." I said quietly.

"Okay go ahead i'm listening."

Luke's POV

I couldn't hold the tears any longer. I was trying to be strong for her but the minute she started crying my tears flew out before I could stop them. I couldn't believe what she was telling me. Everything that has happened to her in her life is absolutely terrible and no young girl should ever have to suffer losing their family. Nobody at all should have to deal with that.

I engulfed her small frame into another hug and tried me very best to comfort her. I took my hand and held it up to her chin forcing her to look at my as I wiped her tears. She was just so beautiful. I wanted to take away all of her pain in her life. I knew I could never replace her family, but I wanted to try my very best to do everything in my power to make this beautiful girl in front of me feel happy.

"Savannah I am going to take care of you. I will never let anyone hurt you and I will certainly not let you hurt yourself ever again. I am here for you and I want you to let me in. I know we only just met and I know that this is rushed but you make something ignite in me that I have never felt before. I would love for you to give me a try. Savannah Smith will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

I watched her face light up and a huge smile come to view.

"Yes i will." She said.

I smiled and before I could stop myself I connected my lips to hers.





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