Foxfire Midterms Part 2

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     ...And now it was Fitz's turn...

     .     .     .     .     .    

     What bothered Sophie was that, Fitz was sweating.  A lot.  She convinced herself that he wouldn't get a really bad gift.  But in the back of her mind, she knew, NOBODY WOULD GET NERVOUS BECAUSE OF THAT (Unless you're me XD).  

     Starting with Marella, since she, like all the girls in the school, liked Fitz, she too gave him a pink crush cuff with 'MARELLA REDEK' embroidered in

     Everybody except for Marella grimaced at her gift.  But everybody grimaced at the gazillion other crush cuffs Fitz got. 

     Dex, made him a micro chip that was used to spy on people.  Keefe gave him a whole brief case of HIGH QUALITY PRANK POTIONS.  For, well y'know, Biana.  Speaking of Biana, she gave him a card that wrote, YOU STINK! Attached to the card was a green ripplepuff wrapped in cellophane.  Sophie thought that was sibling hatred and love mixed into the same thing. 

     Later Fitz found out that Biana went to Keefe who gave her a potion that made people have a terrible, completely safe, temporary farting disease.  And with every breath the victim took, they had to unleash the stink (I think you guys know where I got that from *w*). 

     Then it was Sophie's turn. 

     She took a deep breath shoved her box over. 

     "Ripplepuffs." he breathed. 

     And yeah, there was a lot of thank you's, hugging, and turning tomato red after that. 

     And now it was Sophie's turn. 

    Dun Dun Dun. 

    Quiz: Is this a trick or not?


     Yup! It's a trick people! Now back to the story. 

     .  .  .  .  . 

    ...And now it was Sophie's turn...

     Like Fitz, she too was very sweaty.  The majority of her anxiety was because of...Fitz's gift.  Her cover-up would be, if somebody gave her a bad gift, what would she do with it then?

     Marella didn't exactly know what to give her but her gift, a silver frame with the words Telepath engraved in, was very nice.  Dex, gave her a cute mini-robot figure with googly eyes and a toothy grin.  But what she loved the most was that it was holding a sign that said "BEST FRIENDS." 

     Surprisingly, Keefe didn't give her a Keefe-ish gift.  He gave her a flower made out of lumenite (which he obviously had carved) with everybody's names engraved in.  Apparently, it was a Panakes blossom and shifted  from baby pink to burgundy.  Biana gave her a big lavender-colored box tied with an overly excessively lacy bow.  Attached to the bow was a note that said.  "Open at home!"

     To make it short, Fitz gave her a turquoise box filled with Custard Bursts.  Note: Since I don't like getting all sappy and stuff, let's just say people started shrieking and hooting "Sophitz!"

A.N: That was long.  I had to stop mid-way because my younger brother burst into my room and hit me with a giant toilet paper roll. 

Quiz: Who saved Sophie from the Neverseen in the first book?


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