The Start

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3rd POV
Things started getting weird when the New Directions came to National City. First of all, everyone at Cat Co., including Cat, noticed that Kara was jumpy. And, if a certain song came on she would go stiff. No one knew what was going on with her. But one day everything went to hell.

It was a normal day at the office, well, as normal as it could be with the way Kara was acting, when she suddenly stiffened. Winn, who had been talking to her, immediately noticed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked hurriedly. Kara looked towards the guest elevator and back to Winn.

"If anyone asks, I'm not here." She said before ducking under her desk just as the elevator opened. Out of it came a group of people around the same age as him and Kara. At the front was a girl with blonde, curly hair. She looked around the room before walking up to me followed by the others.

"You. Are you Winn Schotts?" She asked abruptly. Taken aback, Winn slowly nodded.

"Uh, yeah? Who are you?" He asked confused.

"I'm Kitty, this is Unique, Jake, Ryder, Tina, Sugar, Sam, Brittany, Joe, and Artie. We need your help." She said. Winn looked at them skeptically, glancing at Ryder more than any of the others.

"With what?" He asked.

"We are looking for our friend Marley Rose, and we heard you were a good hacker, so we want you to help us find her." She answered.

"Ok. I'll help you." They smiled. "As long as you tell me why Ryder looks like Cat Grants son, Adam." Winn said quickly. Ryder looked up at Winn.

"You know my brother?" He asked. Winn scoffed.

"Everyone here knows him. You do realize your at Cat Co. right?" They all looked mildly embarrassed. "Ok, so your friend's name is Marley? Do you have a picture?" Kitty pulled out a group picture from after nationals. Winn took the picture and looked at it.

"No way..." he mumbled. Jake stepped towards the IT.

"You know her?" Jake asked. Winn gave a little laugh.

"Yeah, I know her. She's my best friend." He laughed. When the glee members just looked at him in shock he continued. "She's going to kill me for saying this, but she changed her name to Kara Danvers, and is currently hiding under her desk." When he finished, Kara slowly stood up from behind her desk and smiled shyly.

"Hey?" She said in a quiet voice. Almost all of New Directions had tears in their eyes. Ryder stepped up slowly.

"Marley..." he started, but interrupted himself to embrace Kara. When he let go, Kara had tears in her eyes too.

"I missed you guys so much. And before you ask, yes, you too Femme Fatale." They all laughed a little and shared a group hug.

"Why'd you leave?" Jake asked. Before she could answer there was a bright flash and the world around them disappeared.

When they could see again they were in a room with 2 doors, a girl between them. On one door was a poster that said 'PAST', on the other was a poster saying 'PRESENT'. The girl in between stepped up.

"Hi, I'm TheNextDescendant, Desi if you may and welcome to the Time Warp." She said. (If you can figure out that reference, I love you.) "This place is a rift in the space time continuum. Time doesn't pass here. You are here because I felt the need to show you the life of one Kara Danvers. Or as some of you know her Marley Rose. Before I explain anything else please introduce yourselves, New Directions first." She explained. (This is just to show you who else I brought in.)

The Glee cast introduced themselves in this order:
Will Shuester (Mr. Shue)
Emma Shuester (Mrs. Shuester)

Then the Supergirl cast introduced themselves:
Hank Henshaw
Mrs. Danvers
Kara went last.

"And you all know me, feel free to call me whatever. I don't mind Marley, and Kara is my birth name." Kara informed them before perking up. "Hey, can you get Barry and his team here?" She asked.

"Who's Barry?" Alex asked. The glee cast looked curious too.

"Uh, he looks like a guy from Dalton when we were in school." She answered.

"Which guy?" Blaine asked. Desi smiled.

"You'll see. I was desperately hoping you'd ask Kara. New Directions, don't freak." After she said that Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Harry, Jesse, Joe, Iris, and Wally appeared. Kara brightened considerably.

"Barry!" She yelled running up and hugging him. The flash cast other than Barry looked at Kara in shock. Barry winced.

"Uh, Kara? Too hard." He told her. She released him instantly still smiling.

"Sorry. I can't believe I'm seeing you again!" She squealed a very un-Kara like squeal. She glanced at the rest of the team before turning back to Barry. "Is that your team?" She asked. Barry nodded sheepishly.

"Hey, can you tell me why those people are looking at me weirdly." Barry asked pointing at the glee cast. Kara hesitated.

"Remember when you came here, you googled your name and couldn't find anyone named Barry Allen?" Barry nodded. "You couldn't because there is no Barry Allen here, but there is a Sebastian Smythe." Cisco burst out laughing as Barry looked confused.

"Sebastian is you in this earth." Kara explained. Cisco was still laughing.

"Now before we get started Kara has to choose between watching the past or present first. In my opinion watching the present first would be best, but I'm letting  you decide." Desi explained. Kara thought a minute before replying.

"After thinking about everything that's ever happened in my life I'd rather we watched the present first. There are things I'd rather get over with, and things I want to put off as much as possible." Kara answered. Desi nodded and opened the door labeled present. Alex shot an apprehensive look at her sister before following everyone through the door.

Inside was a stereotypical movie theater. People sat in seats, the glee club trying to stay as close to Kara as possible.

"What we will be watching is from an alternate universe where all of you are fictional characters. The facts are 100% correct, it just looks like a TV show." For some odd reason no one had questioned anything so they started watching...

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