Chapter 1 - Planning

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"You want go hot head"

"Bring it Ice boy"

Natsu and Gray rush at each other about to throw a punch but before they could they were hit in the face

"Gray! Natsu! I've had enough of you to fighting today. Now knock it off."

"Gray started it"

"I don't care who started it. I'm finishing"

"Big words from someone that has never beaten me In a fight before" Nastu yelled as he tried to punch you, but you caught his hand

"Well now I have" you say as you punch him in the stomach causing him to fall to the floor in pain

"See what happens when you try to start fights with people Natsu" Gray said as he looked down at Natsu "you piss off the wrong people"

"I'm not mad. I just really need to get back to planning the party" you said as you rubbed the back of your head and laughed

"Hey (y/n) can you please come help me" A girl with white hair asked from behind the counter

"Yes be right there Mira, give me a second" you said as you pick Natsu up and sat him at a table and ran back over to help her

"What did you need help with?" You asked her

"I need help making this cake" she responded

"OK so what do you need me to do?"

"Can you run to the store and get me a bag of flour"

"Ya I'll be back in a few"

"I will go to" A girl with blonde hair said as she got out of her chair and followed you outside

After buying the bag of Flour you and Lucy are walking back to the guild hall when she asks you a question

"Um so (y/n), why are you throwing Juvia a party anyways?"

"Well tomorrow is her birthday."

"What? I didn't know that"

"I wouldn't expect you to. she hasn't celebrated it in four years."

"Why hasn't she?"

"The only person she has ever celebrated it with since she was a little kid, was me, and no matter how hard I try ever since we joined Phantom lord I never have been able to be around during her birthday, but since we won the grand magic games I finally have some free time so I wanted to throw her a party"

"You know your a good friend, (y/n)"

"Oh really you thinks so" you said as you smiled and rubbed the back of your head "we should probably hurry and get back to the guild hall, Mira's waiting on us"

The Next Day

You wake up and put on clothes and head over to Juvia's

Knock* knock* knock*

"Hang on I will be right there" a voice on the other side of the door says

A few seconds later the door opens up revealing a girl standing there in nothing but a towel

"Oh hi (y/n), what are you doing here so early in the morning"

"Well Juvia It's your birthday, so I figured I would celebrate it with you today, like we used to when we were kids"

"Really?" She asked surprised and you nodded "ok I would like that just give me a second so I can get dressed"

She turned around and closed the door behind her

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