Chapter 2

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Since the day my father died my dreams are filled with nightmares. Each nightmare signifies the need of love and peace which is destroyed thankfully because of my abusive mother. There is not even one day that my mother does not leave remarkable remarks to me, she continues everyday with the same routine of beating and kicking. The bruises turn so dark that I have to hide under my hook to prevent me from harassment. Right now , I am walking on the streets walking as slow as possible because once i keep my foot on the floor of Community College the bulling will start. Sometimes I wonder that is not the abusive in home enough than the beatings I get here?. Well, I think I have to live with that.


After a long talk with my inner self, I happen to see the most beautiful 5'6 inch girl kissing Andy Simpson. Here the jealousy starts. But what do I do?, I am so much in love with her that I can go as far as kill my self in front of her if she asks me to do it. OK I admit I would to far but what do you do when you are in love sometimes love does sucks.


"Well Well Well isn't the midget going to cry now?". Andy asked with fake innocence


Sometime I just wish to punch this face so hard that his beautiful face is left ugly. I just laughed in my mind how much I wish for that...


"What are you smiling that . Huh"


"SHUT UP ANDY". I roared


Well that received an another punch right on my face.


"Alex stupid Anderyson do not you dare talk to me like that and if you do face the consequences". He replied harshly


This time I kept my mouth shut because I know it will get worst and the only thing I did is ran away form the popular crowd and received a hit of laughter from their site. 


The worst part of being weak is you cry and that is exactly what I doing right now sitting in the toilet. I want to stop the pain, I want to stop the tears but they just never leave me. All my life, I lived alone, I did everything alone there was no one by my side to tell me whether I doing something right or wrong I was always alone. And these tears their just signify the point that I am weak, and worthless. There is no point in living this painful life but what do I do I am just helpless. These tears I cry every night, is not only based on nightmares it is based of my crush. I know she never notices me, so loving me is an impossible thing in the eyes of Katherine. I remember some days back, I was walking to my table as usual with my tray and accidentally bump to Katherine and spill all the contents of the tray fall on her sparking pink top. The way she look at with so much anger and hatred I couldn't stop from crying. This is what Andy make fun of me because I cried in front of the whole population of students in the cafeteria.

After 15 minutes in the toilet crying my eyes out I heard the bell. I quickly left any trance of tears in my eyes and again kept the hood tightly protecting me from prying eyes. I do not have any friends because I am not worth it so I keep my distance.

It took me around 3 minutes to reach the classroom and I noticed everyone where out of their seats doing God knows what.But what mostly caught my eye was Katherine and her stupid asshole boyfriend Andy. Sometimes I wish I tell her that her pathetic boyfriend sleeps around with every chance he gets. I can do it right know which would earn a slap from her and that is the last thing I want.

After exactly 1 minute Ms.Lizzie entered the class with a fake smile and fake talk. She does not know anything about the subject and it seriously looks from the way she speaks that she has learned everything by heart. And worst of all I am her not so called favorite teacher. after the boring lectures I received from boring teachers the last school bell rang and now I standing in front of my door taking a deep breathe , well let the hell begin.

"Mom I am home!" No reply 


Great just great she is not at home just like always but the good thing is that I am saved from the beating till the moment she enters I am sure will be filled with glasses and glasses of alcohol spreading through her bloodstream and beating and kicking is all she will do. I just want to turn eighteen which I will be after two years,I am sixteen right now and all want to is run away.

Living in my daydream world laying on my bed I did not notice the time would so fast. I glanced at the digital clock and it is read around 5pm . Where the heck is she?. Well, speak of the devil I hear her heels taping on the floor As she walks through the stairs and bangs my door to hard and I am sure I heard the glass break.


"I am so sorry mom I completely forgot I had a hard day in sch-". I got interrupted by a sudden punch in ribs. I cannot breath and was gasping for air.


"Yes mom". I replied but couldn't help the tears that were threatening to fall.

"NO!, I will not cry; I promised my dad I will be strong.....just for you dad;just to fullfill your dream I will be strong". I replied to the walls; I couldnot be much, because I know he is not with me.

I lay down on bed, thinking about my future; the future of being a singer; I have great voice. I remember, just before my 11th birthday, dad told me I have great voice. He loved music; it was his passion, but sadly his parents were against it. My grandparents loved him dearly, but his dream was something they couldnot accept. Both my grandparents hate me, thinking I am reason for theis sons death, but to tell the truth it was God wish afterall, He took my dad, my angel from so that I can be strong but sometimes I wonder  will I be sucessful, will I make my dad proud overthere in heaven?.

So many thoughts running through my head, but the promise I make to  propose to Katherine. Will she say Yes Or NO?..



Guys to tell you the truth, I had a teacher every similar to the teacher I described in the story, so you can guess.... we poor students where under her spell and she make us give a huge biology test the next day!.. And half of the class failed INCLUDING ME


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