hey jan can we be friends?...

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Question: hey jane can we be friends?

Asked by:Avril Shane evangelists


Jane: first of all I would have said yes if u weren't a fucking ass and went whispering to jeff

Duh I can hear I'm not fucking death an-

Jeff: damn....ok avril I only work alone but thx for the offer and excuse

This crazy b-

Jane: I will kill u jeff...but I don't understand why u guys hate me I'm the one savings

Your selfish assets my saying is "don't go to sleep because you won't wake up" I'm obviously

Not gonna kill u...I have no idea who came up with I kill Jeff's victims before he does..No I don't I'm the one who tries my hardest not to let jeff sneak into your Window and slit your throats!

Jeff: she's right about saving u guys.... but thx for asking the question avirl

And jane is having a nervous breakdown so just leave your questions in the comments

Jane: I can't believe! Cope left us to do this Shit / I can't!


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