The Sinful Night

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My carriage arrived at my house, i steped out as it ready to pull away. I swiftly walked to the door as it was opening up my mother came out screaming.

“ ahh my baby come here" she ran up to me and hugged me “I have missed you so much mama" she laughs letting me go “only after one night" I nodded and giggled  “Mama I don't understand why dad and the towns people want info on the royals they are wonderful people and there son ugh" I said following my mother into the house .

My mother stopped and turned to me and made a face as of she had tasted something sour “what did I tell you about their son no relationship s none at all I am serious apolla none" I nodded and then my brother xavior came threw the door, with a huge ax he dropped it and swept me up in a hug.

“ how are they treating you my dear sister up there in the royal palace"? I smiled “ fine Bubby they let me come home to prepaid for the ball tonight the prince is going to pick his wife tonight so they can take over the kingdom it's mandatory everyone that's females under 20 attend"!!


I looked at my daughter, I knew she was not ready for this type of life. “apolla why do you want to go I know he insisted on all females but you don't have to go it's only drunks and gold diggers wishing to please the prince" she sat down in the chair and looked at me “Mama the prince insisted on me being there he has already bought us matching attire" I knew what was happening, I didn't ever think that my fate was as twisted as it was about to get.

“apolla I just don't want anything to happen I don't want you having any relations with anyone in the castle" apolla rolled her eyes “Mama trust me you raised me to be a woman not a lady of the night" getting up hugging me and walking to her room.

I smiled because she was not like me in my young age eager to be in the world I have xavior a light kiss and walked into the kitchen to cook.

Night came fast my husband didn't come home he has been acting strange from the time he sent apolla to work in the castle, this was unlike him. My train of thought was stopped as I watch my goddess like daughter walked down the stairs her glass slippers her curly hair and in a moment I seen myself the grace and beauty. Her dress was big and light blue with gold trimming I smiled and hugged her and a carriage pulled up she walked out and got in and was gone.


The carriage pulled up to the castle and zion was outside waiting he smiled right away the carriage stopped and he helped me out “you look additionally beautiful tonight apolla " he said taking my hand walking into the castle “thank you my lord" I giggled and followed the doors open and people were dancing and eating the ball was in full swing.

Zion pulled me into group of people five vampires there makes two females including me three, zion was taller then them all and much more muscular. Then knew of then spoke it was a make with green eyes and black hair short but built I could tell “ zion who is this , I thought you were looking for a breeder" they all laughter including zion but I didn't I didn't get the joke “ I mean a wife but why are you looking when you have something so rare she even smells like you" they laughter zion replay smiling “she is just my escort for tonight we have had no encounter in that way" he laughter I just smiled. “well everyone let dance" with that zion swing me to his chest as he put his other hand around my waist bringing me closer to him. I felt safe and complete in his arms I looked at his face so serious and soft at the same time, he was so familiar but how I couldn't put my finger on it the music played and we danced.

The room was filled with people dancing laughing and then zion cams close to me and we twirled I felt so alive dancing with him like this the colors behind us seen to faze out. I was dazed by him and then we stopped and walked to the bar. For two hours we got shit faced drunk we dances again before I knew it zion was carrying me up the stairs after that I could only remember certain things his skin touching mine moaning and sounds as the moon light beemed on us and then me blacking out.


I opened my sons door because he disappeared at the ball last night as I came closer to the bed I smiled two lumps he found his mate I pulled back the covers to show it was apolla the slave girl my wife hired I frowned oh God not a human I thought zion turned around in ths bed fast “dad please don't wake her" I backed up and looked at zion.

“wake her up she is to go how and you are to fire her at once" ! I said walking out in anger. I walked into my room as my wife Anna put in her pink gown “hello dear did you find what happen to zion" I frowned and sat down on the bed “what's Wrong baby" she said kissing my head “zion has bedded apolla the personal maid you hired while she is human" Anna frowned and stood up “ How could he bring shame to our family by sleeping with a human maid ugh he is just like you" she said disgust was on her face I turned around and yelled “YOU HIRED HER IDIOT" she smiled and turned towards me “did you fire her send her back home and have to vampire follow her back watch her for two months in case she has become with child then we can kill her and the abomination" she said so evil I smiled and got up “I love you so much I am glad I married such a wonderful woman"  and she kissed me .....


Apolla stirred in her sleep and moved  her beautiful eyes flew open “apolla you are to pack your belongings and go home you are fired, I never want to see you again" ! I said in a stronger cold voice she rolled up off the bed and sat up “ I am sorry zion have I done something to upset you "? I looked at her face she was beginning to cry "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN"! I yelled this time she started crying and murmuring to herself I frowned my heart was broken “ take your crazy behavior out of my home" she got up and dressed and ran out with only that and like that she was gone out My life forever...


The girl ran into the forest I sent two vampires to follow in case she was pregnant we didn't want human blood running around in our family again I fucked up but no not my son....fall sad fading as winter was coming behind.....




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