Mia Saitō

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Mia's POV

Monday 12TH September

"Mia, you'll need to get ready for school now, otherwise, you'll miss the bus!"Mum shrieked across the staircase, at 7.30am.

"Coming!"I shouted,peering at my watch, grabbing my sketch pad, my bag, and my MOST important item, my diary. I approached the kitchen, where Mom gave a sort of pep talk, only it wasn't (if that makes sense.)

"There you are, come on, it'll be fine,even though you don't know ANYONE and that you're new to the academy, not knowing where to go..."Mum said, thinking this will help me not to feel lonely.

"Thanks Mum, I thought this was supposed to be a pep talk, not making me feel worse than I already am!"I replied, interrupting Mum.

I then slammed the door shut behind me of the new house, if you think about it, my whole life has changed, since dad got promoted, and that I was offered a place.I used to live in the countryside, where the flowers never died, where joy was ALWAYS around us, and most main point was that we felt welcomed. Here, in the city, you don't see the mountains, trees or plants, just grey big buildings. You feel isolated from everyone, because they've made friends, since they were kids, and I , I DON'T fit in.So yeah, you could say that I'm an outcast.

At exactly 8.00am , I arrived at the bus , where I was minutes away from seeing if I really was an outcast, or not. To keep my mind off things, I sketched some of the landscapes of the city.

"Hi, I haven't seen you around, you new?"A unfamiliar face said, peering at my drawings in my sketch pad.

"Yeah, I only came a week ago, um ,er the city's really nice by the way."I replied trying not show that I was COMPLETELY lying. I practically hated the city!

"I think not, my name's Clare by the way, but anyway, I'd rather live somewhere by the sea or close to nature.How about you?" Clare asked me.

"Well, actually, I lived in the countryside before I moved, I loved it, but dad got promoted, from work,my name's Mia by the way,what school do you go to?" I asked, if she said the academy that I am transferring to, I'll at least have a friend to talk to at school.

"Quelko academy, and seeing your uniform, I see that you're going there too." Clare suggested.

"Yeah."I said.

We talked and talked some more, until we arrived at Quelko Academy for boys and girls. Here it goes...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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