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Naruto and sakura were walking to the park together .for the last 5 days naruto and sakura have been taking care of their so called " child " sakura Jr .
They got to the park where sasuke and kakashi were waiting .
Kakashi saw them coming with a baby .
' who's baby is that ' kakashi thought .
" hey guys your probably wondering why we called you here well we called you here to meet sakura Jr " naruto said .
" DADA ! " the baby yelled sasuke raised an eyebrow .
" MAMA ! " the baby yelled .
" wait naruto sakura is this your baby " kakashi asked .
" is " naruto said .
" what but how did you two " kakashi said .
" no naruto found her in an alleyway " sakura said.
" so now she calls Me Dada and sakura her mama " naruto said with a smile .
Sakura noticed this and smiled back .
" so sakura have you told your mother yet " sasuke asked .
" uh I completely forgot but I'll tell her in due time for now me and sakura Jr are going to the shop to buy baby food " sakura said and walked away with sakura Jr kin her hands .

Sakura's P.O.V ( point of view )

Sakura was carrying sakura Jr looking at the baby food .
" they all look the same " sakura said looking at the stuff that looked like goo .
" which do you want " sakura said and looked at her child .
Sakura Jr just stared into her mothers eyes .
" alright then let's get this one I guess " sakura said and picked up one that said it was apple flavoured.
" and maybe this one too " she said and grabbed on that was peach flavoured .
She was walking to the counter to pay when she suddenly saw a teddy bear in a basket .she walked over and picked up the teddy bear out of the basket when suddenly another mom picked up the teddy bear .
" um can you let go of the bear please " sakura said.
" no my child wants the bear so she's gonna get the bear " the other women said .
" please ma'am my child is-" sakura got cut off by the women again .
" your child I thought you were just baby sitting you wasted your life like that " the women said sakura then last her temper .
" listen here old hag this child is one of my most prise positions I wouldn't trade her for the world " sakura said .
" wait who's the father then " the women asked smirking .
" Naruto Uzumaki and I'm proud to say that I feel no shame saying that " sakura said .
" wow that idiot is the father this child is gonna grow up stupid ,immature and ugly with you two as parents this child will be doing graffiti by the age of 5 " the women said and laughed sakura slapped the women to the floor .
" don't you ever speak bad of naruto or my baby naruto is the hero of the village your savior intact if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be alive and don't you dare speak ill of my daughter ever again she's the kindest sweetest thing in the world and anyway I bet naruto could beat your husband any day let's go sakura Jr "  sakura said and left to pay for the teddy bear and the baby food and left .
' no one messes with my baby ' sakura said then suddenly he saw the women she slapped pointing at her .
" that's her go get her " the women said sakura pulled out a kunai and tapped if the symbol glowed red and went back to black she turned down an alleyway and the man followed her down and put his arm on her shoulder .
" hey you messed with my honey bear I mess with you " the man said suddenly the man felt a hand on his shoulder naruto's .
" took you long to get here " sakura said and smiled.
" sorry but I'm not as fast as my father " naruto said .
" now leave my sakura and my sakura Jr alone " Naruto said .
" you think you so tough " the man said and turned around and saw naruto and suddenly started trembling with fear .
" now leave " naruto said the man nodded his head and ran out the room .
" are you ok now sakura " naruto said .
" ya I'm fine now naruto " sakura said and smiled sakura Jr laughed and naruto and sakura kissed her cheeks .
And went home .

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