Chapter 19

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As we once again woke up again we all got dressed and up and ready to see each other and have  fun at the beach.  "Are you ready yet ayame?!" Annie and Mitsu said waiting for me to change into my summer dress that they bought for me. And god did I love the outfit they bought. "Oh my god! I love you Annie! I love you Mitsu! And thank you for this beautiful dress. I'll always cherish it!" I said excitedly. "Mitsu was the one that said you would look good in this outfit and it does." Annie said happily. I hugged them and Mitsu looked away trying to hide her embarrassment. As we head out to the beach to meet everyone else.

As we went out I kept on getting a lot of stares from guys that kept on checking me out

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As we went out I kept on getting a lot of stares from guys that kept on checking me out. I mean I'm not used to getting the "Center of Attention" and I'm so happy Annie and Mitsu was here with me, scaring and threatening the guys away from me. As we arrived to our destination we saw everyone there waiting for us. "We're here you guys!!!" Annie said jumping with excitement and running towards them. As Renge turned around he saw me and couldn't help but stare. 

"Hmm... she's pretty good looking with that short and beautiful white dress. Right Renge?" Akashi said making Renge blush but still dare not to look away. "You know Renge it's pretty rude to stare at a lady!" Akashi said loudly as I was literally 2 meters away blushing and couldn't look at Renge. "Your pretty sexy lady. How about you hang out with us instead of these lame guys huh?!" A stranger said yanking me away from Renge. I couldn't rip my hand away from this guy as I pulled my weight down dragging him down struggling to take me away.

"Sorry sir, but... What in the fucking hell are you taking my girlfriend away from me. As you can see she already has me with her. Is there anything you need from her if you do say it to both of us." I looked up to Renge holding me in an embrace tightly showing me that he won't let me go to anyone. As the man apologized and ran away scared to death when he saw Atsushi, Ayato, Annie, Mitsu, Akashi, and Father all lined up behind Renge cracking their fingers and giving off a murderous aura around them. 

"Tch! Fucking bastard trying to take away my precious Ayame away from hmm. That's right you better run away with your fucking tail between your legs." Annie said triumphantly. "Uh um thanks for saving me Renge." I said. He shook his head and when I looked down onto his chest I saw a little small mark on his right chest but not fully of the mark. Annie jumped in yelling out what we're gonna do.

                                                               *2 hours later*

Swimming, Beach Vollyball, Eating, Breaking the Watermelon open with the baseball bat, everything was so wonderful and fun. As I was sitting on a chair near by, watching everyone enjoying themeselves Renge walked up to me. "S-so how's it going? You h-having fun?" He said stuttering so very little often which makes it cute. I nodded. Annie came rushing up to us. "Let's make some memories, people. Get closer together." We did and she took it. But it seems she still wasn't very happy with our distance. "No no no. Wrap you arms around her Renge." Renge did. 

Still looking unsatisfied. "Oh my god Ayame look over there!" She exclaimed. I turned my head and met Renge's eyes. Looking into each others eyes lost in thought, Annie took this chance to take the shoot. "Omg you guys look so cute together. And I got it in the perfect and best shot ever! Yay!!" She said jumping. As I screamed and yelled at her I ran after her to delet the photo. Renge watching happily. But it seems we didn't see the daggers of another person glaring and digging holes into our backs with her glare as we screamed of happiness, anger, and excitement. What awaits, Another battle of journey and dangers awaits for us tomorrow.

Omg im so sorry I couldn't plublish this yesterday. Kay peace out reader-chans. Author-Chan out.

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