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The older I get the more I sympathise with Draco Malfoy. His two best friends were barely intelligent enough to hold a conversation and his father- his role model- was cold, prejudiced and cruel. As a result he was incredibly isolated. He watched Harry Potter- who he had intended to befriend- made other friends, constantly saved the wizarding world, became generally happy and was crowned a hero. In the meantime, he lived in constant fear of disappointing his father and the house he was so proud of, and tried to prove himself but continually went unnoticed. He sunk further and further into seclusion until he felt he had no-one to confide in, was placed under immense pressure to preform immoral actions and saw the horrors of death-eaters first hand. He made mistakes, and for a while carried his father's prejudices with him, but honestly he isn't given enough credit for making it out of that dark place to become a loving husband, excellent father and generally a good man- he is far from the school bully he is portrayed as.

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