Getting Settled

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Carla Jones

I was rocking my Jailee to sleep. She had been fussy all day and it was starting to get the most of me and James. He was packing boxes of his things preparing for our big move to L.A. I was so glad that everything worked out. A week back my family and his family made a trip to L.A. to see where we would be staying. UCLA had place us in a nice 2 and half bedroom with one and a half bathroom in Baldwin Hills. It came with a refrigerator washer and drier. As well as living room furniture. The only thing we had to buy was beds and housing utensils. It was a decent amount of space for Jailee to play and it wasn't to far from the college. So everything was good. During the trip my parents got to know James parents a little better and we had a great time. Just the thought of waking up to the love of my life was so exciting for me. But a part of me was also concerns. Like what if James gets tired of me? Or if the pressure of begin around us will distract him from being all he could be? I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my doubt's but I just gotta take a chance. Jailee had finally closed her eyes and I went over to the bed to lay her down. I laid her down gently and beginning to back away slowly. But as soon as I thought I was off the hook she opened her eyes and begin crying again. I thru my hands in the air cause I was frustrated. She had been crying for about 30 minutes straight.

Me: uhhhh Jailee go to sleep!( I said frustrated)

She just whined more and more and I knew the only thing that's wrong with her is that she was sleepy. She was just fighting her sleep.

James: damn bae she still crying. I thought you'll been able to get her to shut up by now. What's wrong?

Me: she sleepy and she is fighting it. Here you take her cause I'm getting upset. I need a break.

I handed Jailee bto James and flopped down on the bed and put the pillow over my head. Five minutes later I took the pillow off and she was sound asleep.

Me: really!!!

James: I guess she just wanted her daddy.

Me: and it took all that. She was about to get a whooping.

James: LOL you better not beat my baby. Or I'll beat you.

I walked over to him smiling.

Me: I just might like that ( giving him a kiss)

James: girl you better stop. And did you ever get a chance to go and get that birth control.

Me: not yet but I'm going to do that before we leave. And why you said it it like that.

James: I guess I'm just concern. I mean I love Jailee and all but I ain't trying have another one. At least not right now.

Me: LOL well I'm glad we on the same page.

James: sometimes I still can believe we had a baby.

Me: I know right. You wouldn't have been able to tell me 4 years ago that I was having a baby but I'm glad I did. I love her so much.

James: I do too. Sometimes I get nervous cause I just want her to have the best life possible and I'm unsure if I can give it to her.

Me: I have my doubt's sometimes too but along as I got breath in my lungs and my heart is beating I'm going to go out my way for her. Besides she is surrounded by real love so that's all that matter.

James: you right. But promise me something.

Me: what?

James: that regardless of what happen let just stick together thru it all.

Me: okay I promise. Now let finish packing your stuff cause we still got to go to get my pack.

Note: I know this update was short but its better then nothing. I promise y'all the story gets better because I have so many ideas. Just stay tuned. 😙😙✌✌

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