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There will be mention of bad words.

– Blaine, it is not my fault! Why can't you understand? - another argument, great.

– Kurt, you are never home! and I'm the one who has to do everything in the house. Who does the cleaning? Me. Who cooks the food daily? Me! - I could get his point but it wasn't really my fault.

– Blaine I'm sorry, I just have been very busy and can't don any of that right now.

– Ever since you got into NYADA, you've never had time for us. It is NYADA this and NYADA that, I don't know you kurt. You're the reason why I moved to New York and now there is no sense in me staying.

– Blaine I told you this is not my fault, but I know we can make this work. And now that we are complaining, you could do some extra work. - I may have screwed up this time.

– Kurt are you trying to tell me something?

– Yes! You could lose some weight you know! - Oh this is war - How do you think I feel, you going to my performances at NYADA and not looking your best.

– Well you know what maybe I am not good enough for you! Maybe we should never have met! - he's expression change instantly

– W what? - What did he just said, did he just regret meeting me?

– No, Kurt I'm sorry I didn-

– No! I heard you. Goodbye Blaine - I said and stormed out of our apartment, I needed somewhere else to go.


I extremely regretted what I told Kurt right after I said it, no one should ever hear that. He just ran out of the apartment, I hope he's back at night I couldn't go to sleep without him.


– Hey Blaine throw me the heroin!

– Coming right up, Jace! - I said while throwing him one of the bag with the drugs. This is one of the best parties I've gone to since I broke up with Jeremiah, he was older than me, basically an adult and I a child, so he got arrested. Bummer.

"The cops are here!" i heard someone yelling, everyone started running around, considering the amount of people who assisted the party, this was a casual Wednesday. The cops were always screwing the parties, thought we always made them in the private school's gym. Them always kickin' us out.

I got out of there jogging, with a bottle of gin in my right hand and a little bag with multiple drugs, I couldn't identify, in my left hand. I got home and fed my dog with some of the food I had left. In the white walls I could suddenly see red and blue lights flickering all around my house. Shit. The police was here, they never got into my house, the never knew I was one of the hosts of the parties. I was screwed.

I saw them through the window, they were getting out of the car and heading right to the front door. Things never got this far, I was actually scared...

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

– What? - I woke up. It was all just a dream apparently.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

– Hey Kurt would you ming turning the alarm off? - I said but got no answer. I looked at my right which is where Kurt always slept, but he wasn't there. Then I remembered the talk we had yesterday, I was really mean and he did left and didn't come back. I took another look and saw that also non of his things were here. His routine face masks. His clothes. His bags. Most of the organic foods he bought, tho he still left me some. He was really gone and it was all my fault and I didn't stopped him. I needed to fix this mess.

I walked up to my bedside table and pick my phone up, I quickly saw if I had any notifications and they were mostly from Twitter and Instagram. I quickly read them all and followed by going into the telephone option, I needed to call Kurt, and ask for his forgiveness. I tried dialing once but he didn't answer, then I tried again and it was the same, I tried one last time and still had nothing.

Then I tried texting him. I sent around 10 messages saying I needed to talk with him and how I was sorry, but i got no response. But I was not giving up on the love of my life. I decided I was going to his house. i thought about it and I didn't knew where he was staying but I supposed he was staying with Burt and Carole so I headed over there first.

When I got there I rang the doorbell, no one heard apparently. I rang it again, twice this time, I heard a "coming" so I waited. burt opened the door and I couldn't really tell if he was happy, sad, or disappointed.

– Hello, Blaine. Can I help you? - he asked me, he was still standing on the doorway.

– Yes, Kurt is not answering my calls and texts. I was hoping I could see him - I explained - I said some things yesterday I really regret. I was just hoping he would forgive me.

– He did explain some things yesterday and don't think I'm jolly. But he loves you and he needs you so you can see him - I could see he was not happy but I was thankful he gave me a chance.

– Thank you so much Burt - I said jogging past him and to Kurt's room.

I was outside his room, I didn't know if I should just walk in or knock. Considering last nights events, walking in wouldn't be the best way to do this. I knocked his door two times and got and almost immediate response of "I don't want to talk dad" by Kurt's voice i missed like crazy. I couldn't say it was me from out his room or he would definitely not let me in. So i just walked in.

I couldn't see him. He was under the bed quilts. i walked in and sat in his bed.

– Dad, I really don't want to talk right now. Could you please leave? - He told me, I could tell by his voice that he had been crying.

– Kurt it's me, Blaine - I don't know why I said my name, I don't think he forgot the sound of my voice in less than 24 hours. He instantly got rid of all the coats of heat and looked at me with big, puffy eyes.

– Blaine, what are you doing here? - he asked me surprised

– I need to tell you something - I began - I am extremely sorry about what I said yesterday. I should've never said that, those words just cam out but I promise they meant nothing okay. I love you with everything, you are the person I love most in this world. You are my soulmate and there is no way I would stop loving you. I regret everything that happened yesterday, nothing I said had a meaning okay. I just hope that you can somehow forgive me and try to come back with me. - I said faster than I expected, luckily he understood everything I said.

– Blaine, I'm so sorry too - he really shouldn't be sorry - I started the fight yesterday and the things I said were horrible, you are perfect and should never change. Lets' make a deal okay?

– Okay, what is it? - I said it in a non rude way.

– Let's forgive everything we said yesterday. We both said things that were wrong and we both regret them. So let's just forget about it and continue with our relationship. Is that good for you? - he asked finally.

– That is just perfect for me. Thank you.


Thanks @Dishmannata for requesting this. I had fun writing it.




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