Chapter 3

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"Mom," I hissed running up to her. "That's the guy that was here while you were gone."

"Honey," she hissed back. "Behave."

I glared at her and turned around to my dad, to ask him what's going on. To my embarrassment, the guy was choking with laughter while watching me. This is NOT happening. With a whimper, I look at my dad.

"Sweetie, meet our new stable hand, Bruno Dupont. He is in some trouble with the law, so he will be spending his probation sentence with us on our ranch as his community service."

Dad turned around to Bruno. "C'mon, let's go, I'll show you where you'll be staying for the next year."

"Year???" I screeched. "Daddy? He is a criminal, he can do anything, anything at all. He can hurt me, he can rob us..." Dad turned around while walking. "Let's hope he doesn't."

I ran into the house. Mom was already in the kitchen, cooking lunch. "Mother, dearest, please tell me why you and dad took this criminal in."

She turned around with a frown. "Please don't call Bruno a criminal, honey. Bruno's dad and your dad were friends in college. Last year, Bruno's parents passed away, and when your dad heard that Bruno was in a bit of trouble, we decided to help him out. Try to get along with him, dear. He needs help adapting to our country. He moved to the US last year, so he doesn't speak English that well."

"How could he get into jail that fast, if he just moved here?" I asked bewildered. "Did he kill someone?" I whispered.

"I did." Someone whispered in my ear, tickling my skin.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" I screamed, turning around, terrified.

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