Their Girl (A Twilight Story)

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              “Don’t be afraid little one.” The tall, muscular guy whispered to me softly, causing a cold chill to run down my spine.  I tried to shrink back as far as I could into the corner of the alley as he approached me slowly.  “P-please d-don’t hurt me! I ju-just want to g-go home!” I sobbed as tears kept falling down my cheeks. “Emmett! Let her calm down.” The other man with bronze hair walked ahead of the muscular one and crouched down in front of me, a few feet away. He reached out his hand and smiled warmly at me.  I looked at his hand and then back up at him. “It’s ok sweetie, we won’t hurt you. We just want to help.”  Yea right. That’s what they all told me and now look at where I am. Cowering in a corner of an Alley way since I got lost running away from my abusive “family”.  The bronze hair one came a little closer making me let out a sob knowing that I couldn’t back away anymore. “Edward… should I call Jasper? Maybe he could get her to come with us?” Before the one named Edward could answer I cried out, “No please, please just l-let me b-be. I-I’m f-fine.”  Edward and Emmett looked at each other then Edward gave Emmett a nod. Emmett took out his phone and pressed a number, and then holding it up to his ear all while Edward was trying to get me to come out.  “Jasper? We need you to come down to the alleyway by the little café in Port Angeles. There’s this girl….. NO! It’s not like that. We feel like she’s the one. I’m sure you’ll think so to, but she’s really scared and won’t come out of the corner. Ok… see you soon.” He closed the phone and walked up to Edward. “He’s on his way.”

                “Edward? Emmett?” Someone called into the alley. There beside Emmett stood a young man with piercing gold eyes and dirty blonde hair that hung just below his ears. I instantly felt a wave of calmness overcome me as he stared into my eyes. “She’s beautiful.”Jasper quietly said after returning his gaze back to the boys. As they began to talk to each other, I tried to think of ways to escape. I looked around and noticed that there wasn’t anything except an empty garbage bin and a huge fence that even if I wanted, I would never be able to get over it. A gust of wind swept through the little alleyway making me shiver and cling onto the worn, tattered clothes that covered my slender, bruised body. Jasper noticed and began to make his way to me. I shrank back once again but that didn’t stop him. I began to cry even harder as he kneeled down right in front of me. “Oh baby doll come here.” He cooed reaching out and placing a chilled hand on my leg.  For some reason I flung myself at him and cried into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms protectively around me. “How does he do it?” I think I heard Emmett ask Edward. Meanwhile, Jasper was placing small kisses on my head and rubbing small circles on my back. “Edward go get the car. We need to get her out of the cold; if we run she’ll freeze to death.” Jasper told Edward, and then picked me up still cradling me close to his chest. Run? So many thoughts were running through my head as I felt something warm being placed over my body. I pulled it closer to me, trying to absorb its heat as I laid my head against the strangers frozen chest. He began to walk away from the little corner I was sitting in a couple of minutes ago, and towards a car that was now parked along the curb. Emmett ran around to the other side faster than I’ve ever seen a person possibly move and opened up the back door for Jasper as he slid in with me still in his arms. I heard a door slam close and the car engine roar to life, causing me to whimper. “Shhh my darling. Your ok now, why don’t you close your eyes and take a nap. We’ll be there soon sweetie.” Jasper whispered into my ear, rocking me slowly. “Mmhmm” I mumbled as my eyes shut closed and I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2012 ⏰

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