VERY VERY LATE Valentine's day special

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Kurlin hides in the vents.
Kurlin is writing something.
Kurlin uses his magic and his eyes flashed light purple and green. (I'm not spelling out what the purple blood clown magic is called)
Kurlin(he speak with magic): Hi everyone. Sorry this is late but I'm going to do something for Gamtav since it's usually him that speaks for me and helps me out when I can't reach stuff I'm going to do something nice for him as a way to say thank you. :3
*He looked at the living room from his hiding place in the vents and saw Gamtav looking around for him*
Gamtav: KURLIN where ARE you?
*Kurlin jumped out of the vents and hugged him*
Kurlin: I'm right here! :3
Gamtav: OH that's WHERE you WERE!
*They hugged*
Gamtav: WAIT you CAN talk?
Kurlin: Kinda only with magic.
Gamtav: COOL.
Kurlin: Yeah. I have something for you.
Gamtav: really?
Kurlin: Yeah. Check your room.
*Gamtav walked away to his room*
Gamtav: THANK YOU!
*He came back holding a puppy*
Gamtav: I LOVE dogs!
Kurlin: Yeah! I know you like dogs. It took furever to find one that didn't want to kill me on spot.
*They hugged*


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