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I unlock the car when I feel a hand, grabbing my shoulder. I quickly turn to find Brad, smirking. "Aria" he breathes and steps closer to me, his face only inches away from mine. He looks down at me, I only just notice how tall he actually is. I look up, meeting his gaze. His right hand finds it's way to my cheek, cupping slowly. I freeze, what the hell is he doing? 

I turn my head, causing his hand to drop from my face "Brad please". He takes my hand "look at me Aria" his deep voice slowly speaks. I sigh and slowly turn my head, facing a smirking Brad. He lets go of my hand and locks eyes with me " I like your eyes" he says. I swallow and notice how dry my throat is.

Does Brad frighten me? Yes. Why? Becauses he's intimidating, that's why.

"Thanks" I whisper, hardly audible. He steps closer to me again, leaving only a few inches between our bodies. "See you around" he smirks with a short nod of his head and walks back to the group he had been stand with. I turn around confused and open the door, climbing in the driver's seat. I sit my backpack in the passenger seat and start the engine. I'm glad my first day at school is over. 

I grab my bag, lock the car and make my way to the elevator. I press the button to close the doors when my eyes land upon Brad, what is he doing here? 

He quickly locks his car and sprints towards the elevator, stopping the doors from closing. "Hey sexy" he greets with a smirk "don't tell me you live here" I growl and roll my eyes, but he shakes his head and relief washes over me. "Gosh, I'm not that bad" he chuckles and I grin "what are you doing here then?" I ask "just wanted to hang out".

"What? with me?" I frown, he smirks and presses the button to the third floor. "You can't come with me" I say "oh c'mon Aria, it'll be fun" he says, a smirk playing on his lips. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. "Don't be mad at me" he says, I can't help the grin that's forming on my lips as I look at his pouty lip "how do you know where I live?" I wondered out loud.  

"I followed you" he simply says, "what are you? a stalker or something?" I chuckle. "Naah" he shakes his head "you know what, fine. But be nice to my parents" I say, he nods quickly as the 'ding' from the elevator echoes through the hall. I unlock the front door and walk in with Brad following close behind. 

"Mom,dad I'm home!" I shout, but nobody answers. I walk into the kitchen, there's a little sticky note on the counter: "we're exploring LA, we'll be back later. Pizza in the fridge xx." 

Great, I'm stuck with Brad.

"They aren't home, are they?" Harry asks from behind me. He rests his elbows on the counter behind him"no, they'll be gone for a while" I say, grabbing two Coke cans from the fridge. I hand one to Brad and lean against the counter. 

I sip from my Coke "so what did you want to do?" I ask, he shrugs. "Let's watch some TV" I say and enter the living room, flopping down on the sofa. I flip the channels "stop" Brad says as he sits down next to me. I stop at a football game and sigh, sipping from my Coke again. 

I stand up and walk into my room, changing into a pair of black denim shorts. I put my long brown hair in a high ponytail and look at my reflection in the mirror. I see Brad standing in my doorway watching my every move "Brad! You scared the hell out of me!" I shriek and turn around abruptly.

"Didn't mean to scare you" he smirks "how long have you been standing there?" I ask, panic rushing over me, what if he saw me in my panties? Shit.

"Just now, I didn't see anything" he smirks "liar" I roll my eyes and walk past Brad into the kitchen. "Do you want pizza?" I ask "sure" he says and walks to the sofa to watch TV again. I put the pizza in the oven and sit down next to him. We watch TV for a while till the pizza is ready. I open the oven and put the pizza on a plate. I walk to the sofa and sit the plate down on the table "we'll have to share this, as you came over" I grin and add "uninvited" he chuckles. I grab a slice and take a bite "who was the guy who stole my pencil by the way?" I ask.

 "Shawn" he answers with mouth full with pizza. "Do you know he?" he nods "you should stay away from him" I raise my eyebrow and grin. "What?" he asks confused "it's funny that you tell me to stay away from him when Skylar told me to-" I can't tell him what she said about Brad, what was I thinking?

"What did she say?" he growls "oh uh-nothing" I lie, I'm such a bad liar. "Tell me" he commands "okay.. uh she told me that.. she likes him" wow awesome Aria, he'll never believe that crap. "You're a bad liar" he says in a serious tone "I know" I say and take another bite of my pizza, avoiding eye contact with him. 

"Don't lie to me again" he says after a few silent minutes "sorry". I stand up and walk to the kitchen to grab a new Coke for both of us. I sit his Coke down on the table and take a sip from mine. We're watching a stupid football game and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm thinking about just taking a shower, but I don't trust Brad to walk around in my house all alone. God knows what he'll do while I'm in the shower. So I decide against it and keep watching the match. 

"Since when do you live here?  Everything looks so fresh" he asks out of the blue "oh we just moved here yesterday""really? Where are you from?" he asks, I love his british accent I wish I had one, but nope I'm stuck with my stupid American accent "San Jose" he nods "how old are you?" "Stop questioning me" I chuckle "sorry, I'm just interested" "interested in what?" I frown "you" he says and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.


What do you think's going to happen? 

New chapter every Thursday and every other tuesday 7PM( Central Standard Time) 

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