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A/N: I altered the ages a bit of some of the characters just so that they'd be all similar ages. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to fit some characters in that I want to with my plot and I wanted them all to be within the same few years. The age order (hopefully) didn't change. So Viktor is still the oldest, Yurio is still the youngest and so on. So... yeah. Hope that doesn't annoy anyone.

ALSO if a chapter has (E) after the number of chapter, that means it has been edited. I usually post the chapters unedited then go back a different day and go in and correct writing errors and such.

Yuuri's POV

I didn't know about magic when I was younger. I didn't know what was being held from me in the world of magic. Neither did Mother, Father or my older sister, Mari. So it was a surprise to all of us when a giant storm petrel carrying an old man arrived at our doorstep when I was seven. He said I had magic in my blood, somehow, the magic skipped a few generations, as well as Mari, and gathered in my blood. My family was ecstatic to hear that I was special. So happy that they could barely contain it.

The first three years I would fly to school and then come back home the same evening. It was scary, visiting a new part of my country all alone, without knowing a single person who was going to this new school with me. Over time, though, I gained friends. To this day, Yuuko and Takeshi are still my best friends. When I turned eleven, I was finally old enough to start boarding at Mahoutokoro, instead of having to make the journey back to home every night. Which by all means should've taken hours, even if I were in a plane, but the giant storm petrel wasn't normal by any means.

It's been nine years since I started attending Mahoutokoro School of Magic, and my feelings have never wavered towards it.


"Yuuri! Hurry up! We are going to be late to breakfast!" Yuuko called back to me as I ran behind her and Takeshi. I had a bad night of sleep, meaning I slept past my normal waking time. So, if we didn't run, we'd be late to breakfast, morning announcements and probably class with our luck. As we all ran, we only caught up with one other student who had been a bit ill-timed as well.
"Okay! Okay!" Finally, after running a bit faster than normal, we made it to the main hall. And, to make it better, we had just made it in time for breakfast to start. As we walked into the hall, behind us, the doors shut any other late comers. Before the doors shut, I saw the boy we had passed only a few moments ago, being locked out with a face of utter despair. He and anyone else who hadn't made it in time would have to wait until lunch to eat.
The dining hall that laid in front of me had many smaller tables, each enough to hold four students each. But the tables were sorted into different year groups. So the youngest students sat against the right wall, whereas the eldest sat on the far left wall. Yuuko, Takeshi and I were to sit in the second to last row of tables. In our row, there were about 13 tables. One table that was closest to us was completely open, so we took it and prepared for breakfast to be served.
"Did you guys hear about that rumor that there are going to be exchange students here? Like Headmaster Osamu was heard talking with a few other teachers about students from Russia, China and I think one other place, but I can't remember." Takeshi said as large pots of rice, miso soup and a large plate of grilled shishamo appeared in front of us, as well as smaller bowls and plates at each seat. "And! He also said it'd be announced today, in the morning announcements."
"No. I didn't hear that. Who told you?" Yuuko asked. Instead of asking my own questions, which I would do eventually, I decided to get my food and just listen to the answer that Takeshi would give Yuuko. First, I start with the grilled shishamo, placing three on my plate, then I place some miso in a bowl and some rice on my plate. The smell of it all made me want to eat all the servings.
"Moto but-"
"Moto. As in Rin Moto? You are going to trust Moto for information?" Yuuko sounded as if Takeshi made some joke, which, honestly, I thought too. Rin Moto was known as the kid who had his nose in everyone's business, yet gave out false information to spread rumors. He is a year younger than me, but I still remember when I was thirteen and the entire school went crazy cause he spread the rumor that some weird magic disease that made people sleep dance had made it into the school. Let me tell you, that was one wacky week.
"Well- yes. I actually believe him this time." Takeshi folded his arms and pouted before piling up his plate with food.
"Good luck with that," I say in between bits. "Looks like Headmaster Osamu is here anyways, so I suppose we shall find out."
In walked an old man with a long, brushed and white beard that reached down to the beginning of his hakama. His long emerald sleeves glimmered with gold, his face embodied honor and grace. He was a powerful wizard in Japan. Not only in magic, but also in influence.
"My dear students, good morning." His words were met with a chorus of good mornings from all around the room. Afterward, there was a hush over the crowd of children. He scanned the room with a soft smile. "What a lovely morning it indeed is. It is time for the morning announcements. First off, I'd like to thank our wonderful staff, for once again, preparing our school for the upcoming Quidditch match." A few people cheered from the rows to my left and right. "For those training, a list will be posted in the main hall with times of when each team may practice on the field. As for those who want to watch the game, that will be at the end of the month on the 30th."
"Students grades one through six have the opportunity to fly on broomsticks on the Saturday before the match. The Match will take place on Sunday. Remember, for all activities on the weekends, students who are not boarding with us must either have a parent or guardian present or must bring in a permission slip with their signature at least a week prior to the event. And do not try to forge your guardian's signature, as we will be able to tell. That is all I have to say. Thank you for your attention and enjoy your breakfast." As he slowly backed up to sit at his own table, everyone started talking again. The noise level rose back up to where it had been before Headmaster Osamu spoke.
"I guess Moto was wrong-" I started, but before I could finish, Headmaster Osamu spoke up again.
"Ah! I did seem to forget to mention one thing. Tomorrow, we are expected to have guests arriving. Not just any guests, but exchange students from magic schools in Thailand, China, and even students from the Koldovstoretz school in Russia! This is apart of a program that our schools have decided upon together to show unity between our schools and this year, we are hosting the program. In total, we will be having 25 foreign students, all shall be above the age of 14. I expect nothing but kindness and grace towards these students." People started whispering among themselves, including Takeshi and Yuuko.
"I told you guys, but you didn't believe me." Takeshi lifted his chin and turned from Yuuko who just stared in disbelief.
"They will be here for three months. Now, I believe that really is all I have to say. So once more, thank you for your attention and enjoy your breakfast." With that Headmaster Omasu sat down and didn't stand back up.
"Wow, Takeshi. Did not see Moto as the type to actually tell the truth for once." I said, shaking my head. Thailand, China, and Russia, huh? I wonder why those countries. I mean, obviously Russia because of Koldovstoretz, but China? And Thailand? Odd. As Yuuko and Takeshi talked about the odds of Moto being right, I continued to eat. It left me to wonder how the next three months will be, considering today was the first of October.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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