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Being the Queens daughter seems like a dream, but will it soon turn into a nightmare?   

            Emera was fast; nobody in the kingdom dare say otherwise, she was trained by Lady Katsa. The best and hardest teacher you could ever have. Her mother, Queen Bitterblue, and her father, King Sapphire, were dead tired after the meetings they attended that day. Those reasons made it the perfect time to sneak out of her home, the heavily guarded castle. Although it was never hard getting past the guards, it was harder ever since her parents caught her out past midnight. Her eyes were glinting in the night and her cape was flying off her shoulders, all of the struggles she had were melting away.

                    "Help, I can't move someone help!"

                    Emera froze in her tracks and listened very carefully. She backtracked when she heard the plea yet again. Shuffling through the bushes she found him, a boy with soft brown hair with one pink and one grey eye. He looked about her age, 16. She ran up to him, wary of stumbling, and kneeled next to him.

                    "Oh thank goodness." He said as he breathed a sigh of relief, he looked content until his eyes focused on hers. One yellow-green and one brown-green, only one person had eyes like that, the Princess of Monsea.

A/N This is my first-ish book, well my first book that continues another book. [Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore - it's amazing you all have to read it!] please only good comments! I'm trying my best and I swear, I won't give up or delete this this time. [Who else noticed that 'this this' is perfectly sane in America - English is weird] Now it you didn't read Bitterblue [Read it now! Like go to the library right now, it would help with the story a bit. It's ok if you don't want to read the 539 page book, come back!] I will have an index at the top of the chapters that need them, top or bottom? You guys can chose if you wish. Ok, enough distractions. Index. Now. Concentrate.

Grace - a power that a graceling has

Graceling - Someone who has two different colored eyes, which usually means that they have grace

Emera - A Graceling Realm BookWhere stories live. Discover now