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"i miss this"


@cartersbaby: you're so cute bb

@cartersgirlfriend: aw, squishy.

@paralizedolan: my fav is such a cutie

@dolanloves: waiting for ethans comment

@dttuesday: he liked

@paralizedolan: he didn't comment. hm?¿

@ethansmain: is he not gonna comment

@dolanloves: tell her she's pretty @ethandolan

@dttuesday: i hope they aren't fighting

@paralizedolan: nah, carter and i talk all the time in dms and she hasn't said anything

@cartersgirlfriend: wow rub it in. stay in your own fandom @paralizedolan

@carterjohnson: ignore her bby. some of my fans are mean & im sorry. i love you @paralizedolan

@cartersbaby: AMY OMG BBY

@paralizedolan: thank you so much carter. i love you:)

@dttuesday: e still hasn't commented. im worried.

@dolanloves: @ethandolan @ethandolan @ethandolan @ethandolan

@ethandolan, @graysondolan, @paralizedolan and 100,103 others liked this.

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