Chapter 5

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He told me we should get out of here, go somewhere more private and reserved. I said we should take it slow, that good things get ruined this way. He respected that but not all boys take no for an answer. Was I irritated that he spoiled it by asking such a clique and stupid thing? Yes. But at least he respected me the littlest by accepting that I didn't want to go. With that being said I decided to go home, it was that time. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me to keep in touch. He seemed genuine enough and that he just got a little away with himself earlier so I was content. I walked myself back to my car following the gravel path back to the entrance. I reached for my aux & listened to music as I began the 40 minute drive back home. This got me thinking. Thinking that I didn't want a boy to make me feel good, to make myself dependent on. The only person who I should find happiness in would be myself. The only person I felt to be dependent on was me. My dad can't help or provide for himself, let alone another human being and my mom was someone I wished I'd known but never will. So why should I start now becoming attached to someone that will eventually break my heart. I've had enough of that & I'm finally feeling happy with my life so I'm not fucking it up now.
I unlocked my door & laid on my bed. I was completely worn out & in an unpleasant mood. Not that I had a good reason to be. I just was but yet again, I usually am. I decided I needed to perk up a bit & went to my kitchen to make my dad & I something to eat. Tonight I was in the mood for grilled asparagus & chicken with lemon infused seasoning. My dad having trouble functioning some days I learned to cook so that he didn't have to. My mood perked a bit and I then heard my phone ringing from a room away. It was Edward. I answered the phone although I didn't want to but I didn't want to be rude because at the end of the day he didn't do anything wrong.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey Liz, I just wanted to call and tell you I really had a good time with you today. I don't think I really told you that earlier"
"Thanks, Edward. I did too." Lying.
"I would love to take you out again tomorrow for some Breakfast at Lindsay's" he urged.
"That'd be great! I'll be ready at 9 am! I appreciate it, can't wait" I lied again.
"Great! See you at 9!"

I hung up the phone. I needed to stay home tomorrow. I wasn't looking to hangout with this guy again. I mean relationships just aren't my thing. But saying no I guess isn't either. Maybe I'm like my dad with my emotions. One day I head over heals the next I'm wanting to be on my own. Things definitely took a different swing of mood if you ask me...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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