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Author's POV

Nicole brought the glass up to her lips, sipping the bourbon and savoring the burning sensation as it went down her throat. She observed the scene below her. People danced as the techno beat blasted through the speakers, even the DJ was hype. Others sat at the bar, probably drinking their problems away or trying to take someone home. Nicole looked to her left and saw more people socializing in the different sections, with bottles and strippers.

Where is Nicole you ask? She's where everyone was on Saturday nights. The most exclusive club in all of California, Blue Diamonds.

And Nicole is the owner.

Nicole Garcia is a businesswoman, owning every club in the state of California. Blue Diamonds was her most prized possession. She built that club from the ground up, and transformed it into the phenomenon it is today.

"Miss Garcia?" A voice behind Nicole said full of concern and panic.

"What is it Snow?" Nicole asked, not turning around. Snow was one of the strippers that worked at Blue Diamonds.

"Um.." Snow started nervously. Nicole was starting to grow impatient.

"Spit it out, Snow. Every second you're wasting, standing here, talking to me I'm losing money, and you know how I am about my money. This better be important." Nicole growled.

"Diamond, she overdosed." Snow said, fiddling with her fingers.

"Again? I'm getting real sick of this shit." Nicole muttered and walked past Snow, handing her her drink. Snow immediately grabbed it and followed Nicole into the bathroom that was separate from the public bathrooms in the club. All of the girls moved to the side to reveal Diamond on the floor, eyes rolled to the back of her head, skin pale, and two lines of cocaine on the counter. 

Nicole knelt down to where Diamond was, checking for a pulse.

"No pulse." Nicole said to herself, getting up and grabbing the revival equipment from the locked cabinet. She knelt down beside Diamond and set everything up.

"So none of you thought to stop her when she was about to overdose?" Nicole asked, rubbing the shock pads together and hitting them against Diamond's chest. She checked for a pulse again, there was none.

"W-We tried, but you know how she is. I tried to take it from her, but she started swinging at me." Snow said, speaking for everyone. Nicole didn't want to hear it as she began to get nervous as she tried to revive Diamond with no success. After three more tries and no pulse, Nicole ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

"She's dead." Nicole said, a silence falling over everyone. The only thing you could hear was the faint beat of the music and the mixed voices of everyone in the club.

"What do we do now?" Jasmine, another one of the girls asked. Nicole stood up.

"We do what we do best. We get ourselves together and act like this never happened. Because as far as we know, Diamond quit because she was being underpaid. She and I got into a big fight, she left, and we haven't seen her since. I better not hear any of you speak about this or you'll suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?" Nicole looked each one of them in the eye as she spoke. They knew what the deal was.

"Yes, Miss Garcia." All ten girls said in unison.

"Good. Now go. I'll take care of this later." Nicole said and watched as the girls slowly filed out of the bathroom. Nicole sniffed the two lines of cocaine and grabbed Diamond, hiding her until after the club closed. She didn't want to risk cops finding traces of the drug on a rag or anything, which is why she got rid of it the way she did.

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