Just a nobody

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Kaibee Joshua Coleman

My dirty shoes drag against the ground as I walk towards the park. Another night with no food or warmth. It gets old begging strangers for change all day. I'd be lucky if I ended up with at least a dollar to buy a burger from Mc Donald's or something anything to settle my stomach from the pain. My skin is on fire from this cold air blowing against it.

Hi . my name is kaibee.

I was kicked out my house about a year ago, You see my mother died of lung cancer and left everything to my step dad. He was never a nice man. So I'm not surprised he kicked me out my own home, not before moving in his babymama of course. She was nice but even she couldn't stop him from putting me out. She's too afraid of him.

It was starting to sprinkle just great! I picked up my pace on the wet streets of La. Usually I would sleep in the homeless shelter when it rains but I don't like to because its really scary with all them grown men there. Overall I know this neighborhood is kinda safer than others. That's why I caught the train just to get here. My stomach did a loud growl as I climbed inside the park slide for shelter. I closed my eyes in irritation as my stomach pleaded for food. The light sounds of the rain tapped on the slide calming my nerves a bit. I lie on my back saying a prayer to myself.

"Father God,

Thank you for every single thing you have done for me these past few months . Please bless me with food tomorrow and hopefully a friend. It gets kinda lonely........ I mean who would wanna talk to me I stink, literally." I laugh to myself. I like to think God has a since of humor too.

" ... But how are things in heaven? Tell my mother I love and miss her. ..... Um bless me financially, I know you understand the situation I'm in Father God. Love you amen " I yawn and drift off to sleep.

My eyes start to flutter open as I hear singing coming from outside the slide. "I guess the rain finally stopped"I thought to myself.

I rub my eyes with the end of my stinky Christmas sweater.

"Cuz I need someb-"

"Stop just. Stop. Listen, take it from the top and loosen up man. make the song yours" I hear a loud sigh then silence for a few seconds.

"On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you. When that's not possible Tell me can you weather the storm? Cause I need somebody who will stand by meee
Through the good times and bad times She will always, always be right there

Sunny days,

everybody loves them!

Tell me baby can you stand the rain?
Storms will come This we know for sure .... Can you stand the rain?"

I smile to myself. Can you stand the rain happens to be my favorite song. It was the first song my mother and father danced to, But that was when they were young and in love. My father always sung it to me before bed as a little girl. However the voice I was hearing was beautiful. It sounded different from the original version but surely breathtaking!

"Love unconditional, I'm not asking just of youuuuuu.!
And girl to make it last .....I'll do whatever needs to be done" The beautiful voice continued to sing.

Without realizing I started to sing along "But I need somebody who will stand by me. When it's tough she won't run. She will always

be right there for me

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