sleep over

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Hey guys i didn't get any dares so i am using an app called truth or dare and i am using teens period so get alittle trick

Summer's pov,
I was getting ready for the sleepover when i heard my doorbell ring i answered it and i saw the whole sqaud we got into our pjs and started the game i was next to henry while freddy was next to me it was akward because i am in the middle of 2 boys but zamika was sitting with each other so i had to let them have thier moment so we started the game with lawrence and tomika asked the qeustion
"So lawrence thryth or dare"
"I pick truth"
"Is it true that you bave a crush on emse"
Lawrence was turning pal i thought he is going to faint but my thoughts were wrong
"Yes i do don't tell her"
"Okay your secret is safe with us"
Tomika spinned the bottle and it landed on freddy,freddy is a dare king so i expect him to pick dare
"So freddy😈 truth or dare"
"I pick dare"
"Good chocie"
"I dare you to kiss the person" i was get scared it either me or lawrence it will be me for sure because i know tomika and how can freddy kiss lawrence i mean freedy isn't gay "at your left "and it was me freddy stood up and so did i and we kissed it was as if it was only us in the world and the kiss took longer than i expected until it was interrupted by a slam on the door i separeted our kiss and to my surprise it was henry i ran after him leaving every one behind i spoted henry at a lake and he looked upset i wonder why? I went forward and saw his hands on his face i said
He didn't answer i called again" henry"
He turned around with a sad face i had to ask
"Why are you sad"
"Cause you were kissing freddy"he shouted
"It was just a dare and why do you care"
He didn't answer again i shouted
Then he said because
"Because i like you not like i think i love you" immedatlly when he said that he looked away i walked towards him took hi chin and kissed him bis lip were so soft i could kiss him forever and was a good kisser even better than freddy we pulled away at the same time and i said
"Henry i have liked you the day i first saw you i think you are awesome"
I kissed his cheek and lips one more time and winked to him and left.

Henrys pov,
I can't beleive it summer kissed me she kissed me not once but twice

Freddy pov,
I can't beleive summer kissed him she,kissed twice i don't know but i am feeling jelousy and anger in me i wish i could be henry there i know i have kissed her but that was a dare but i want to kiss her without any condition.maybe if i ask her out,tell her my feelings for her and ask her to be my girl friend.

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