chapter 14: white walls ;) +

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( thank you all 328 reads!! now I shall reward you with smut!)

Joey's POV:

Nicole left to go to her hotel. and me and shane were in the living room. so I decided to ask shane what's going on.

Joey: Shane baby

Shane: yah

Joey: can we talk

Shane: uhhh sure sit down

Joey: what's up with Nicole and you

shane: we had an argument on something and I won so she got mad at me!!

Joey: what was it....

Shane: on who is crazier Amanda bynes or Lindsey lohan

Joey: of course.

Shane: what's wrong boo

Joey: you can't get along with Nicole over a stupid bicker!

Shane:  hey I know what will make you feel better........

Joey: what

just then he bit his lip and pushed me over go he was on top of me.

joey: I see what your doing here...

Shane starts to pelvic thrusting on me while kissing my  neck. and I get a boner

Joey: bedroom NOW!!!!

we walk hand and hand a shoey fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant