Chapter 9

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Verde had received an incredible amount of data from the way the rainbow bullet's effect had upon Tsuna. Reading over his notes, the scientist concluded that Tsuna would most likely impersonate the rest of his guardians. Muttering quietly to himself, he began to list off the effects the rainbow bullet had so far.

Gently, he tapped his pen against his chin in thought as he said, "So, who will he become next?"

At that exact moment, an explosion sounded off in the distance along with a loud and obnoxious laugh.

It caught the lightning arcobaleno by surprise, causing him to drop his clipboard. While he went to pick it up Reborn came strolling in with a cup of coffee.

Sitting back up, Verde ignored Reborn as he went back to thinking. Next thing he knew, the same loud and obnoxious laugh came closer. Tsuna burst inside the room, his sky flame and eyes shining an emerald green.

Laughing loudly Tsuna pointed and yelled, "There you are, Reborn!"

Freezing, the lightning arcobaleno expression turned into one of horror. The Vongola don reminded Verde of his annoying lightning guardian Lambo.

"Oh no."

As soon as he said that, Tsuna came running toward Reborn. As Tsuna tried to get Reborn's attention, the hitman only ignored him as he drank his coffee.

"Don't ignore me!" Tsuna yelled again before he got an idea.

With an expression of fear, Verde watched Tsuna reach in his hair and pull out a pink hand grenade.

Grinning childishly, he pulled out the safety ring and threw the grenade at Reborn before running toward the door. An explosion sounded as soon as he made it out of the door.

"Got you now, Reborn!" Laughing, Tsuna went back into the room before freezing up in fear.

The explosion had also hit Verde because, when Tsuna had pulled out the grenade a few more had fallen out and rolled away. Although, that was not what had the Vongola don scared. Reborn's coffee cup laid on the ground, his suit ruined by the coffee that had spilled. Verde's clipboard laid in ruins on the floor, his pen nowhere in sight.

Both arcobaleno's were radiating murderous intent, their eyes shining with malice.

Standing up Reborn made his way toward Tsuna while saying, "You're not getting away with this, dame-Tsuna."

Pushing up his glasses, Verde stood up as well and said, "I agree, you've ruined my research."

Tears welled up in Tsuna's eyes as he ran out of the room yelling, "I'm scared!"

Not a second later, Reborn and Verde went after him.

Not a second later, Reborn and Verde went after him

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